Did I cry? Yes. Sure I did. When everything you have loved from the first second of Little House is blown up in the air, well, you just can't help it.
But let me tell the story:
As the movie begins, we see Caroline talking on the phone with aunt Tess.(whoever she is,Aunt Tess is someone whom Charles doesn't like and is coming for a visit). Since Charles has a one-month holiday, they decide to leave the children with Aunt Tess and so they go to Walnut Grove...only they didn't know they would be there to bid their last farewell, hence the title.
On the same train there were a few rich gentleman meeting: owners of land development companies, they want to take over the towns of Hero Township. Meanwhile,the Ingalls, the Wilders, Mr.Montague and Mr.Edwards are reunited in a merry family gathering when John Carter comes in and asks for someone to watch over the house while he's away with Sarah. Charles and Caroline readily agree to stay there...just like the old times, remember?
That Sunday in church, Lassiter has the pleasure to announce that Walnut Grove was his, but don't worry, gentle citizens, you can stay and work for him as salaried employees...INDEED! Then there's talk of confront, Caroline and Laura deeply worried because their husbands will do anything for their lands. Lassiter and Almanzo have a confront, but he's okay. That Friday, the town makes a move, but Lassiter has the United States cavalry ready, so he gives an ultimatum: they have to leave Walnut Grove on Sunday.
Laura is so angry,she smashes the windows of the house and a couple of dishes. At the meeting in town, the reverend prays for all those who will be touched by this sorrow..Edwards is still angry, but Laura gets up and, grand lady she is, she says to give them what for, and leave them a Walnut Grove buried in chaos..John Carter has a load of dynamite they can use...And so, next day, one by one, the buildings are blown up: first the boarding house, then Nellie's restaurant, the Oleoson store, the post-office, the mill... As each one of them was being shattered to pieces, I was crying and wailing "NO"...
Lassiter arrives and immediately orders the cavalry to arrest the citizens, but they have done nothing wrong according to the law. So everyone marches away, singing "Onward Christian Soldiers", and..it's over. Little House on the Prairie is over...
Some may say that Michael Landon wrote this in anger because they had canceled his show, but, it's a very good ending. If Little House had ended happily, perhaps we would have forgotten it..this way, we learn to appreciate all of the nine seasons, because Walnut Grove was destroyed, there's no more Little House on The Prairie.
Regardless to say, everyone was great: Melissa Gilbert was wonderful, Richard Bull was very convincing, and it was incredible. Don't miss this!!!!
score 9/10
mda-63188 31 March 2017
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw3674821/ |