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My Kingdom for a Rose

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8-3-2021 00:07:01 Mobile | Show all posts |Read mode
It's the Christmas season once again, though you'd hardly know it in Walnut Grove, which is unseasonably warm. Everybody was in good spirits, except Mr. Montague. Not so much against the holiday, but the crass commercialism. Well, that's one less present Edwards will have to buy, as he heads with the Wilders to Mankato. While they hit the dusty trail, a woman named Elsa Norris was laid up in the hospital after a difficult delivery. Sadly, baby didn't make it. When she was released, the post-partem hit her something fierce. As Elsa dealt with the blues, Almanzo and Laura nearly bought out the general store Christmas shopping. Little Rose helped, somewhat, and when they stopped in front of the toy store to admire a doll in the window, along came Elsa, who instantly fell in love with little Rose. Suddenly, there's a commotion. Edwards was at the saloon, despite having kicked the bottle, and getting his ass kicked. Almanzo tried to help, but got his kicked too. When the fight was over, they realize Rose is gone. Almanzo stupidly left her unattended when getting side-tracked by Edwards' fight, so together with the sheriff, they combed the town. Almanzo and Laura search the orphanage for any lost girls, but have no luck. Little did they know that crazy Elsa was boarding a train with little Rose, bound for... who knows-ville. By the time they decide to search the train station, they were too late. However, a kindly hobo offered some useful information, since he bonded with little Rose before she left. They would not give up until Rose was found, even if it meant not being home for Christmas. From what I can gather, Elsa kidnapped Rose so she wouldn't have to tell her husband that their baby didn't make it. That doesn't make it right, however, and poor Rose had absolutely no clue what was going on. Now, as if the Wilders and Edwards didn't have enough trouble, they soon found they had a stowaway: Samuel, a boy they met at the orphanage, obviously he wasn't listening when they said they weren't looking to adopt. So to make sure they caught the train at its next stop, they found they had little choice but to take Samuel along.

Meanwhile in Walnut Grove, Jason is determined to earn money to buy gifts for Christmas, since the Wilders' delay will probably mean they won't be able to deliver the gifts they purchased. Speaking of gifts, guess who is getting more than her fair share? Nancy, who also doesn't know the true meaning of Christmas...honestly, are you even surprised? In a vain attempt to get her to help out for the holidays, Nels put Nancy in charge of getting their tree, meaning she would have to do some actual work. But maybe not. See, Jason had a brilliant idea about how to earn some Christmas money: sell trees. But he couldn't find any customers, since folks liked to chop down their own trees instead of paying somebody else to do it. So when Nancy finds out about Jason's little enterprise, she requests his services. Meanwhile, Elsa finally made it home to her husband, Patrick, who heard about the baby and was nothing but supportive. Still, the selfish bitch lied about Rose. Yeah, Elsa, it sucks about your baby, I feel for you, but this is still wrong and your crocodile tears don't make me pity you any more. Elsewhere, Jason's a lumberjack and he's not alright. He botched the Olesons' tree, so the deal was off and Nancy went to chop down the damn thing herself. She axed the giant pine that stood near the house, the tree crashed through the window and Nels finally admits that he does indeed hate Nancy. Good, get rid of her. As for the scrawny little tree of Jason's, he gave it to Montague. Awww, his first Christmas tree; in Milford, Almanzo, Laura and Edwards checked with the sheriff as Samuel decided to bail, and wouldn't you know it, Samuel sees Elsa with Rose, but when he rejoins the Wilders, the little bastard doesn't tell them! Suddenly finding myself not very fond of this kid. He fessed up later, after letting them all get worked up over the situation. Luck was on their side, as the guy from the mercantile recognized Rose's picture instantly and pointed them all in the direction of the Norris residence. It's a Christmas miracle! So they burst in and reclaimed Rose, and Elsa confessed to the whole matter, then she apologizes and they let it go. Excuse me?! This bitch kidnapped your little girl, put you all through hell, nearly ruined Christmas for everybody in Walnut Grove, and you just let it go? Screw you! Oh, and guess what? Samuel's run off. Yeah, gotta pad out the running somehow, I guess, so now they gotta go look for his ass! Back at the Carter residence, John and Sarah decide now is the perfect time to have the "Santa talk" with Jason. But then who should stop by but ol' St. Nick himself! Actually it was Mr. Montague, who'd gotten a holly jolly dose of Christmas spirit. As for Samuel, they found. But in the end, it all works out, the Norrises take in the boy. It was a merry Christmas for all.

I enjoyed this Little House movie. Sure there were parts that felt padded out and some that were unnecessary, but it still worked out for what it was. As for performances, everybody was good. Melissa Gilbert, Victor French, Dean Butler, Robert Casper, David Friedman, Patricia Pearcy, Joel Graves, everybody. Chris Abbott-Fish... Fish? wrote a very nice script and Victor French did an outstanding job as director. If you're a Little House fan, I definitely recommend it. It's absolutely worth it for Montague's subplot. Him playing Santa towards the end is heartwarming to no ends. Check out Bless All the Dear Children.

score 8/10

ExplorerDS6789 18 May 2012



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