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Watched Season 1-3 and loved it Mobile post dfgremnants 2-12-2020 0104 dfgremnants 2-12-2020 02:42
What's Next... Mobile post wvmafia 2-12-2020 0100 wvmafia 2-12-2020 02:42
Part reality show, Part game show Mobile post briangcb 2-12-2020 079 briangcb 2-12-2020 02:42
Amazing Mobile post BruhReadUp 2-12-2020 095 BruhReadUp 2-12-2020 02:25
Great personality Mobile post exot_shrimp 2-12-2020 090 exot_shrimp 2-12-2020 02:25
"Rob" is a comic firecracker that blows apart the reality/comedy genre and makes it into something better than I could have previously imagined Mobile post liquidcelluloid-1 2-12-2020 085 liquidcelluloid-1 2-12-2020 02:25
This is one heck of a show! Mobile post MovieGuy1998 2-12-2020 097 MovieGuy1998 2-12-2020 02:25
industry 新人帖 Mobile post Herbert_Kinyua 2-12-2020 098 Herbert_Kinyua 2-12-2020 02:21
OMG - I lasted 10 minutes of this train wreck Mobile post foothill_warrior 2-12-2020 068 foothill_warrior 2-12-2020 02:21
laugh-free Mobile post phenomynouss 2-12-2020 062 phenomynouss 2-12-2020 02:21
Jesus Murphy... Mobile post haskel-72951 2-12-2020 088 haskel-72951 2-12-2020 02:21
Novel concept, ineffective execution. Mobile post HagenSteele 2-12-2020 083 HagenSteele 2-12-2020 02:21
HILARIOUS! Mobile post KalkiNozomi 2-12-2020 084 KalkiNozomi 2-12-2020 02:21
Weak Mobile post adamdaly1985 2-12-2020 085 adamdaly1985 2-12-2020 02:21
Don't watch sober Mobile post amcreb 2-12-2020 078 amcreb 2-12-2020 02:21
Drop a couple of hits Mobile post iamrandy 2-12-2020 085 iamrandy 2-12-2020 02:21
Pure comic genius. Mobile post rgeauxracing 2-12-2020 070 rgeauxracing 2-12-2020 02:21
Funny as hell Mobile post kellymikeh 2-12-2020 077 kellymikeh 2-12-2020 02:21
Simply Brilliant! Mobile post robert-977-706127 2-12-2020 085 robert-977-706127 2-12-2020 02:21
Only one review, and it's bad!? Mobile post ilikefences 2-12-2020 068 ilikefences 2-12-2020 02:21
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