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A personal loss, a huge mistake, a beautiful film Mobile post secondtake 25-2-2021 078 secondtake 25-2-2021 06:06
Splendid Revenge Western. Mobile post jpdoherty 25-2-2021 083 jpdoherty 25-2-2021 06:06
Interesting precursor to "The Wolf Man" Mobile post Teknofobe70 25-2-2021 080 Teknofobe70 25-2-2021 06:05
A landmark film, if not the best of its kind. Mobile post Hey_Sweden 25-2-2021 081 Hey_Sweden 25-2-2021 06:05
Hugely underrated. Mobile post parry_na 25-2-2021 082 parry_na 25-2-2021 06:05
A GOOD WEREWOLF MOVIE Mobile post TEXICAN-2 25-2-2021 090 TEXICAN-2 25-2-2021 06:05
An almost forgotten classic Mobile post jluis1984 25-2-2021 082 jluis1984 25-2-2021 06:05
Werewolf of London (1935) **1/2 Mobile post JoeKarlosi 25-2-2021 093 JoeKarlosi 25-2-2021 06:05
Bad moon rising Mobile post RomanJamesHoffman 25-2-2021 071 RomanJamesHoffman 25-2-2021 06:05
Werewolf Of London (1935) **1/2 Mobile post Bunuel1976 25-2-2021 077 Bunuel1976 25-2-2021 06:05
"The werewolf instinctively seeks to kill the thing it loves best." Mobile post utgard14 25-2-2021 072 utgard14 25-2-2021 06:05
Stay away from him...he'll rip your lungs out, Jim! Mobile post flapdoodle64 25-2-2021 084 flapdoodle64 25-2-2021 06:05
A Nice Early Werewolf Story... The First? Mobile post gavin6942 25-2-2021 084 gavin6942 25-2-2021 06:05
Really good movie Mobile post atinder 25-2-2021 074 atinder 25-2-2021 06:05
By the Light of the Silvery Moon Mobile post BaronBl00d 25-2-2021 080 BaronBl00d 25-2-2021 06:05
The pre-classic pioneer of werewolf movies Mobile post FenrirKavik 25-2-2021 087 FenrirKavik 25-2-2021 06:05
A minor classic. Mobile post boris-26 25-2-2021 065 boris-26 25-2-2021 06:05
Preferred: Subtle Creepiness over Sensational Special FX Laden, Gory and Gimicky Scary Fright Fests. Mobile post redryan64 25-2-2021 087 redryan64 25-2-2021 06:05
Universal's other werewolf movie. Mobile post Boba_Fett1138 25-2-2021 088 Boba_Fett1138 25-2-2021 06:05
Draw Blood! Mobile post Shield-3 25-2-2021 071 Shield-3 25-2-2021 06:05
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