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Finest movie of 98 and 99 Mobile post slim-38 27-2-2021 068 slim-38 27-2-2021 18:06
A refreshingly beautiful fable of a film from Bernardo Bertolucci Mobile post ruby_fff 27-2-2021 091 ruby_fff 27-2-2021 18:06
A delicate dance of a movie Mobile post vonnie-4 27-2-2021 092 vonnie-4 27-2-2021 18:06
Low budget Bertolucci. Mobile post DukeEman 27-2-2021 094 DukeEman 27-2-2021 18:06
Fantastic. Bertolucci has not lost it. Mobile post zetes 27-2-2021 080 zetes 27-2-2021 18:06
A finely constructed film, a story worth telling. Mobile post Dr. Don-2 27-2-2021 074 Dr. Don-2 27-2-2021 18:06
But now I've said too much? Mobile post justapilgrim 27-2-2021 077 justapilgrim 27-2-2021 18:06
A film about what love should be Mobile post =G= 27-2-2021 076 =G= 27-2-2021 18:06
Affecting Drama From Bernardo Bertolucci Mobile post jhclues 27-2-2021 071 jhclues 27-2-2021 18:06
Backstage to the Mikado Mobile post Chase_Witherspoon 27-2-2021 095 Chase_Witherspoon 27-2-2021 18:06
Glorious Blu-Ray restoration Mobile post JETTCO48 27-2-2021 079 JETTCO48 27-2-2021 18:06
For they were such Englishmen Mobile post bkoganbing 27-2-2021 081 bkoganbing 27-2-2021 18:06
It was greatly to their credit Mobile post theowinthrop 27-2-2021 084 theowinthrop 27-2-2021 18:06
Brilliant and highly entertaining musical biography. Mobile post simonton-4 27-2-2021 095 simonton-4 27-2-2021 18:06
The best G&S yet Mobile post Fred-36 27-2-2021 070 Fred-36 27-2-2021 18:06
wish i could get a copy Mobile post dss-2 27-2-2021 0107 dss-2 27-2-2021 18:06
A gentle and moving production Mobile post aimash 27-2-2021 092 aimash 27-2-2021 18:06
A classic that should not be lost! Mobile post mebaker 27-2-2021 098 mebaker 27-2-2021 18:06
Stop drinking the Kool Aid - this stinks Mobile post mikes2001 27-2-2021 094 mikes2001 27-2-2021 18:06
It's a shame.. Mobile post dv-65 27-2-2021 076 dv-65 27-2-2021 18:06
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