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Pretentious and cynical Mobile post chuchoter 3-3-2021 096 chuchoter 3-3-2021 12:07
LET THERE BE TIRE AND THERE WAS TIRE!...for absolutely NO REASON if I may add... Mobile post gabriel-gibin 3-3-2021 083 gabriel-gibin 3-3-2021 12:07
Novel concept, terrible execution Mobile post scott_thompson7454 3-3-2021 072 scott_thompson7454 3-3-2021 12:07
Rubber doesn't take itself seriously Mobile post AshkelontheDog 3-3-2021 088 AshkelontheDog 3-3-2021 12:07
Doesn't deserve all the talk/hype about it Mobile post white_fire4 3-3-2021 076 white_fire4 3-3-2021 12:07
The fact that the movie has no reason is alright, but it just didn't have enough to keep me entertained Mobile post KineticSeoul 3-3-2021 078 KineticSeoul 3-3-2021 12:07
Inventive, stupid and completely unnecessary…yet offering something completely different Mobile post Scannain_com 3-3-2021 063 Scannain_com 3-3-2021 12:07
Why watch this film? No reason. Mobile post freestylewalkn2 3-3-2021 066 freestylewalkn2 3-3-2021 12:07
DEFINITELY not a film for everyone! Mobile post nixskits 3-3-2021 081 nixskits 3-3-2021 12:07
Brilliant! Mobile post iwantyourjob 3-3-2021 077 iwantyourjob 3-3-2021 12:07
I am Rubber, you are Glue. I'll blow up your head and roll over it, too! Mobile post Coventry 3-3-2021 085 Coventry 3-3-2021 12:07
a review of Rubber Mobile post allenelswick1979 3-3-2021 079 allenelswick1979 3-3-2021 12:07
too much in love with itself to be original Mobile post Radu_A 3-3-2021 079 Radu_A 3-3-2021 12:07
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin Mobile post evanston_dad 3-3-2021 085 evanston_dad 3-3-2021 12:07
A horror film about technique and style Mobile post Da-Ant 3-3-2021 079 Da-Ant 3-3-2021 12:07
I expected it to be more fun. Mobile post Matt_Layden 3-3-2021 073 Matt_Layden 3-3-2021 12:07
Deep Tread Indeed in this Particular Tire Mobile post jd7myers-1 3-3-2021 079 jd7myers-1 3-3-2021 12:07
Why is this such a great film? Mobile post georgemcgilvray 3-3-2021 091 georgemcgilvray 3-3-2021 12:07
Would you rather have money or sanity? Mobile post moviemanMA 3-3-2021 0107 moviemanMA 3-3-2021 12:06
No thriller, but very scary Mobile post Enchorde 3-3-2021 082 Enchorde 3-3-2021 12:06
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