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Fluid Tattoos on the Insides of Skin Mobile post tedg 3-3-2021 095 tedg 3-3-2021 12:08
Oxygen for a heart Mobile post fink-6 3-3-2021 0104 fink-6 3-3-2021 12:08
A tragic, supreme meditation on youth, with an impressionable cast Mobile post Quinoa1984 3-3-2021 092 Quinoa1984 3-3-2021 12:08
Excellent character studies, though not an especially enjoyable film to watch Mobile post MartinHafer 3-3-2021 091 MartinHafer 3-3-2021 12:08
Typical Wong Kar-Wai, but certainly not his best film Mobile post unge_werther 3-3-2021 090 unge_werther 3-3-2021 12:08
My favorite Wong Kar Wai movie Mobile post mahatmakanejeeves420 3-3-2021 080 mahatmakanejeeves420 3-3-2021 12:08
Challenging but the payoff is worthwhile Mobile post rooprect 3-3-2021 081 rooprect 3-3-2021 12:08
three beautiful stories in one about quests for friendship - my favourite WKW Mobile post rogierr 3-3-2021 096 rogierr 3-3-2021 12:08
The bird that never lands goes down a path of self-destruction Mobile post thebeautifulones 3-3-2021 0102 thebeautifulones 3-3-2021 12:08
Going into orbit in the city that never sleeps.. Mobile post chaos-rampant 3-3-2021 0108 chaos-rampant 3-3-2021 12:08
What to make of the last scene.... Mobile post kastelaan66 3-3-2021 098 kastelaan66 3-3-2021 12:08
The search does life...until it suddenly stops Mobile post Chrysanthepop 3-3-2021 098 Chrysanthepop 3-3-2021 12:08
A tone poem about longing and one's search for identity Mobile post howard.schumann 3-3-2021 0105 howard.schumann 3-3-2021 12:08
I wanted to love it, but instead remain baffled by this wildly unique experiment Mobile post DonFishies 3-3-2021 094 DonFishies 3-3-2021 12:07
A cinematic masterpiece Mobile post cllp-50224 3-3-2021 083 cllp-50224 3-3-2021 12:07
How Do You Ruin a Movie About a Tire That Explodes Peoples' Heads? Mobile post aeryk-pierson 3-3-2021 084 aeryk-pierson 3-3-2021 12:07
Tries to be too clever for its own good Mobile post pcwaterton 3-3-2021 086 pcwaterton 3-3-2021 12:07
If you hate good movies, avoid at all costs. Mobile post SomethingPart2 3-3-2021 086 SomethingPart2 3-3-2021 12:07
I Love this Movie!!! Mobile post jbwithjc 3-3-2021 0102 jbwithjc 3-3-2021 12:07
Absurdist comedy at its worst Mobile post pushfrog_2000 3-3-2021 0103 pushfrog_2000 3-3-2021 12:07
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