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I hate hate hate the human involvement. fed up. almost cried watching this movie. seeing how much screen time they have to Sam witwikee. 新人帖 Mobile post AF1998 6-4-2021 0131 AF1998 6-4-2021 07:17
How can the sequel be any worse?! Mobile post MartinHafer 6-4-2021 0115 MartinHafer 6-4-2021 06:47
And now for something completely different.... Mobile post CelluloidRehab 6-4-2021 0123 CelluloidRehab 6-4-2021 06:47
Ator da bore Mobile post InzyWimzy 6-4-2021 0121 InzyWimzy 6-4-2021 06:47
"Never touch that drape!" Mobile post Bezenby 6-4-2021 0129 Bezenby 6-4-2021 06:47
"Ator, The Running Eagle" would be a more appropriate title Mobile post warsystem04 6-4-2021 0129 warsystem04 6-4-2021 06:47
Unintentional Comedic Mobile post Breumaster 6-4-2021 0115 Breumaster 6-4-2021 06:47
A choice cruddy chunk of vintage 80's sword and sorcery schlock Mobile post Woodyanders 6-4-2021 0112 Woodyanders 6-4-2021 06:47
Bad But Campy and Entertaining Mobile post Michael_Elliott 6-4-2021 0113 Michael_Elliott 6-4-2021 06:47
Take heed, for Ator is utter drivel (and therefore a lot of fun!). Mobile post BA_Harrison 6-4-2021 0110 BA_Harrison 6-4-2021 06:47
A dense italian conan type of adventure from the late Aristide Massaccesi. Creator of many "exotic" films. Mobile post televinken 6-4-2021 0115 televinken 6-4-2021 06:47
The most famous of Italian sword and sorcery Mobile post Hellraiser-1 6-4-2021 0105 Hellraiser-1 6-4-2021 06:47
Family friendly Sword & Sorcery flick Mobile post HaemovoreRex 6-4-2021 0122 HaemovoreRex 6-4-2021 06:47
Clarification Mobile post cvinci 6-4-2021 0107 cvinci 6-4-2021 06:47
Dull. Mobile post gridoon 6-4-2021 0114 gridoon 6-4-2021 06:47
As always, Miles does a great job! Mobile post Gremloid 6-4-2021 0120 Gremloid 6-4-2021 06:47
The CONAN'S best Italian sequel Mobile post subutai_ 6-4-2021 0116 subutai_ 6-4-2021 06:47
Great movie... If you love bad movies. Mobile post Japeda-1 6-4-2021 095 Japeda-1 6-4-2021 06:47
Stiff and ridiculous Conan rip. Mobile post lost-in-limbo 6-4-2021 097 lost-in-limbo 6-4-2021 06:47
Hey, if I had a "sister" that looked like that, I'd wanna get with her too! Mobile post Hey_Sweden 6-4-2021 0109 Hey_Sweden 6-4-2021 06:47
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