jabriel Publish time 2-12-2019 23:19:25

Sky - moving services but want to maintain existing number at current address

Not sure if this is the right forum for this question. Hope it is. Happy for it to be moved if there is a more appropriate forum.

I've been a sky customer for a long time and am moving house. I have their TV and phone package. They'll be moving both services for me.

What I'd like to do is have both my services moved and I get a new phone number at the new address but the current address get a new phone line and maintain the existing number.

Spoke to Sky and they said it would be up to the new provider to maintain the existing number at the same address. To the extent they said they can't even offer a telephone line at the current address if I want to maintain the same number. They said it would have to be BT.

Spoke to BT and they said it can/should be done by the existing provider.

I need to authorise the house move with Sky soon but am nervous one or both of the providers don't know what the correct solution is and as a result I'll loose the existing number without being able to recover/use it for the existing house.

Can some please advise if there is a fullproof way to move the existing line to a new address (where there will be a new telephone number) and sign on with sky/BT/Talk talk/etc but maintain the existing number at the current address.

Thanks in advance.

neilball Publish time 2-12-2019 23:19:26

Are you keeping the old house and therefore wanting to maintain a working phone connection there but drop everything else?

If so why not cancel the unwanted pets you do ‘t want and apply for the services as if a new customer at the new house?

jabriel Publish time 2-12-2019 23:19:27

Yes I'm leaving the house but my mother (whose house it is) wants to keep the existing number.

Need to take the services with me as I keep the black/VIP status and I'm also under contract at the moment so can't just cancel.

neilball Publish time 2-12-2019 23:19:28

Does your vip status actually get you anything of value?

Does your mother want to retain the same services?

Can you drop the phone service with Sky and transfer to BT ie port your existing number to a new provider while keeping the TV service then transfer the the TV account to your new house and at the same time apply for a new line with Sky at the new house too?

neilball Publish time 2-12-2019 23:19:29

PS I’ve found Sky to be difficult to deal with if you don’t fit their narrow view ofservice provision. For example I had two phone lines at home but Sky could only offer to operate one line - their systems simply could not cope with two phone lives at one address.

outoftheknow Publish time 2-12-2019 23:19:29

It isn’t your house that you currently have the service at. For the phone service I think that causes a specific glitch in the matrix.

You want to move your Sky services to another address . That fits into the matrix. You want the Sky phone service at the new address and don’t want to port the number allocated to the current address.That also fits in the matrix.

You want a (new) Sky phone service at the current address to have the number currently allocated to your Sky phone service yoga re moving to another address.

Processes grind to a halt as you have found.

My suggestion would be to leave your services at the current address. Start a new package at the new address. Cancel the bits you don’t want at the current address leaving phone with current phone number. Do not change the ‘owner’ of the service at the current address (you).

How the two services are paid for is up to you and Sky don’t care. You are responsible for both but it is family so what could go wrong 
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