What's your top gadget
Looking at all your tech bought in the last few years, which is your favorite peice of kit ?Mine is either my QNap 109 Pro or the Iphone very tough decision Hello! 
Probably either X series Walkman or PS3 for me.  Oh and our toaster which can boil eggs.  One of my favourites has got to be the Squeezebox 3. Has to have been my TiVo, was said to finally get rid of it when the suggestions stopped working, definitely best ever gadget for me.
Would love an up to date version. Probably my harmony one remote just ties everything in together nicely always wondered about these remotes and never taken the plunge some love um some dont tough...
After reading some posts i would say id find it hard to live without Skyfunctionality its a tie between my skyhd box and my ipod touch 1
You don't have to it can do it and more besides. Popcorn hour, been a god send  Has to be my iphone, i don't know how i have managed before without one , and my lovely PS3