Hope you like it. I’ll admit it’s not a credit card replacement, but it’s great instead of cash. Have topped it up whilst in the till queue and it’s fast. We often get the text confirmation of spending before the shop has seen the authorisation.
Got better rates than the bit of Euro cash I was carrying on my recent trip. The main use-case I can think of retrospectively is late check out charges for our favourite hotel abroad etc Another for Halifax Clarity credit card.
The main thing to be aware of with this is if taking cash out of a machine you get charged interest from the same day.
We get around this by paying in to the card in advance what we think we might spend while abroad.
Bonus here is if you have anything left when you return,you get to spend it and pretend it doesn't count as it's holiday money  Got a clarity card on its way to me... My Nationwide Select Credit Card doesn't incur any foreign transaction charges on me. So, perhaps a no fee credit card could be an option for you.