Toughest Sport????
I'm thinking of trying a few new sports next year. I've been involved in motocross and enduro racing for a long time and want to try a couple of tough sports... did a tough mudder last year which was fun... any thoughts/suggestions? MMA? Tough as in physically arduous from a fitness PoV? Boxing, Rowing, Mountain Cycling, Iron Mans are all disciplined sports that will push you to the limit. Yeah the training you need to do to even be able to compete in MMA is insane and then once you do you've got someone else in a cage/ring with you trying to punch you unconscious or take away one of your limbs.That said, freestyle motocross is no joke if you get it wrong. I like the idea of the training involved in MMA but perhaps not getting the beatings!!
Apsilon, Iron mans may be the way forward... a friend of mine does them so will give hima shout. cheers Def iron distance triathlons. Ultra marathons also I'd start with a Triathlon first to see if you like the format. You also need to be relatively slight of stature because if you are big, you'll struggle and give yourself joint pain (especially in your back). Same with Marathons. These are events I'd love to try but I'm just too bloody big and anything above 5k at pace destroys my back. I've also got a rebuilt ankle and 30 pins in my leg from Rugby so that doesn't help matters when trying to run and I limp like drunken bum after every gym session 
My mate used to race competitively in Motocross and he was as fit as a fiddle due to the constant workout you get on the bike (he had Abs and arms like Hercules) so I'd imagine you are exactly the same and will be fine whatever you do 
Good luck. I'd agree to def try a triathlon before going for an iron distance.
However I'd disagree that you need to be slight: I'm 6'4", 100kg, and have done 7 iron distance, two ultra marathons, various half distance races etc. It's all about gradual build of distance to prepare your bodyu properly. @zerpico is our resident IM iirc Before my first IM I did one triathlon about 4 months before it.Slateman in Wales, very tough. The first IM was to complete.Next one's were not and now I have 70.3 WC in sight!
Yes, @themoid is correct, there is no set shape or size to be able to complete one.I have seen some big guys come over the finish line.
Depending on current fitness, maybe start with a sprint distance or an Olympic.
Just remember, in transitions, people rush around like crazy, don't do that, its your event, so take it easy.No cut off times, and make sure you enjoy it.
Every one, you will learn something to take to your next.