nheather Publish time 2-12-2019 20:53:48

More than likely - I wasn't paying huge attention and I only have a casual interest.

I just recall that the ball quickly ended up on the wing with nowhere to go and Wales just pushed it into touch.



scatterbug Publish time 2-12-2019 20:53:48

Nobody in Wales is assuming the win against Fiji is a given. It will be a tough match but hopefully with home advantage we will prevail and not get any further injuries.

gibbsy Publish time 2-12-2019 20:53:49

Very nervous afternoon here deep in the heart of the Welsh valleys. Looked like Wales could possibly get a bonus point at the end of the first half, but the second half belonged to the Fijians. Great game but perhaps another important injury with Bigger limping off. Wales top the group with one game to go.

So, roll on Saturday and as the old saying goes, my enemy's enemy is my friend..............Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.

Tom1986 Publish time 2-12-2019 20:53:49

Very enjoyable game to watch. A bit more execution in that second half and the Fijians could have been right in it at the death there and made it a real nail biter for the Welsh.

@gibbsy - do you know any more about Biggar? Hopefully it was some sort of dead leg or something (for your sakes). Without him and his kicking boots, you'd be in real trouble against the Aussies you'd have to think?

As you say....on to Saturday. The team selection is bizarre from Lancaster etc. - we are 2 injuries away (Ben Youngs & Jonathan Joseph who aren't 100% fit) from having the same backline which was close to ending the game against Wales, and we al know how that went!!! Why not have Burgess on the bench filling a forward's spot, as he can cover back row & centre. That then leaves from for a Slade (preferably) or Nowell as a back replacement and, more importantly, as a game changer! Also don't see why the insistence on having Wigglesworth ahead of Care. I understand Wigglesworth from a "close the game" point of view, but against Australia (and Wales) there's never a guarantee you'll be in a position to close it out (and, again, we were against Wales and look what happened). Against the Aussies you need people with zip, and Care is the man at 9 off the bench.

Anyway, finished ranting. Hopefully I'm proved totally wrong hey.........

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 20:53:49

Looking like it was only cramp... I guess taken off as a precaution.

gibbsy Publish time 2-12-2019 20:53:49

Wales camp have reported that Fiji was an injury free game, so you may very well be right. Thought Matthew Morgan had a great game, every thing that Wales did well in the first half seemed to start with him. Kicking game, however, was rubbish after being so good against the English.

nheather Publish time 2-12-2019 20:53:49

In my dreams this is how it is going to pan out.

England dig deep and scrape a win against Australia.Puts them on 10 points behind Wales.

Next weekend Australia realise they are out unless they play hard.Wales put up a great defence but unfortunately lose.

Aus 13, Wales 13, Eng 10

Later in the day England beat Uraguay easily, gaining a bonus point.

Final table

Eng 15, Aus 13, Wales 13

Australia go through because they beat Wales.

In my dreams .......



gibbsy Publish time 2-12-2019 20:53:50

In my dream England make World Cup history.//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif

nheather Publish time 2-12-2019 20:53:50

First host nation not to reach the finals stage, I assume.



scatterbug Publish time 2-12-2019 20:53:50

I'll be screaming for the Aussies tonight but I can't shake the feeling England will win.
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