3phemeral Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:52

Strap -> tripod connector (e.g. Black Rapid ConnectR): where to buy? Reasonable alternatives?

I've got 2 camera straps - a Black Rapid where the metal of the 'connector' has worn out to the point I don't feel comfortable using them anymore (see the attached picture). The Black Rapid's part is called a ConnectR, but I can't find it for sale anywhere. The straps themselves look in excellent condition, and I wouldn't hesitate in using them.

Does anyone know where I might be able to get a reasonably priced replacement part or alternative part that would work to hang the camera from?

Sun Sniper support said Wex stock the replacement piece, but with a fairly bad review and at £27, more than I'd be willing to pay: Sun-Sniper-Strap Rotaball Connector

Suggestions welcome!

3phemeral Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:53

I just thought of searching for 'camera carabiner' and found these as some examples:
iShoot IS-V 1/4" Stainless Camera-Screw and 5mm Carabiner Snap-Hook FastenR-3| eBay


That's roughly what I'm looking for - does anyone have experience with any of these? Looking for a reliable bit of kit, which I can depend on for hanging the camera and fairly heavy lenses from.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:54

I had no trouble finding replacement black rapid ones tbh. I’ve now moved on to the peak design slide though and much prefer it. Feels more secure and the camera in not constantly spinning and moving around as you’re walking.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:54

Just looked and you’re right they’re not available anymore, only the Fastenr’s are available. I guess it’s BR’s way of making you buy a new strap 

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:55

There was a user on TP who sold good replicas and spares....

3phemeral Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:55

Thanks @snerkler and @shotokan101. Yeah, it's annoying the originals aren't really available for sale anymore.

@snerkler: I'll have a look at the Peak Design Slide. For now tho, I'll wear out my RapidStrap first 

@shotokan101: Any idea if he's contactable elsewhere? I may have a TP account but not enough posts to post in their wanted/buy/sell section.

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:55

I will have a look and see if I can find any references

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:55

The guy Jim’s talking about sells the q-straps, you’ll find the website on google. I had one but it split so I won’t buy another.

Thumpermawer Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:56

I am in pretty much the same position as OP now - Black Rapid carabiner is showing enough wear that I don't have 100% confidence in it anymore. If I could get a replacement easily/cheaply I think I'd do that, but since it's most of the cost of a new strap, I'm looking at alternatives.

Although I loved the BR design initially, a couple of things I'd like to "solve". First, the bouncing around while you walk thing. The way I was wearing it to minimise this, meant there were a lot of accidental shots of my shoes (I leave camera on for the whole time i have it with me) and battery life decreases as it wakes up and meters repeatedly with each step. Pretty much any non sling strap fixes this.

The second thing is tripod compatibility, which means not connecting via the tripod mount. Or rather, a tripod compatible mounting plate so that I can keep wearing the camera lens down rather than lens out, like what Peak Designs offer. The only thing with that is, the "standard plate" no longer comes with the slide strap. It now ships with an "anchor mount" that doesn't seem to be RC2 compatible. My question, since the RC2 plate I already own has a loop underneath for screwing it into place, is can that be used to attach an anchor link? Or maybe at the base of the thread that screws the plate to the camera - or would this potentially wear through and snap? Would I need to also buy a standard plate?

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:56

I can't answer the question re using your current RC2 plate, but the original never came with an RC2 plate but an area Swiss compatible one, I bought an RC2 compatible plate separately. I have one anchor set to the left hand camera lug and the other to the tripod plate and it pretty much negates all the bouncing around and spinning you get with the BR straps.

You can get two RC2 compatible plates now looking on amazon
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Peak-Design-Arca-Swiss-Manfrotto-compatible/dp/B0781T188C/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1527577545&sr=8-2&keywords=peak design tripod plate&dpID=5198QrNbwNL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Peak-Design-Plate-Capture-Camera/dp/B00P6LGXQS/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1527577545&sr=8-5&keywords=peak design tripod plate&dpID=41cXomf5HBL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
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