Like the idea of the dual compatible one - not the price though  Agreed, they know how to charge. Fortunately I got mine free  So I bought a PD Slide last week, just in time for them to admit there's a problem with some of the hardware! //
"We began making V3 Anchors in August 2017, which featured a thinner cord that could fit directly in smaller camera eyelets. In Spring 2018 we got a few reports (7 total) of V3 Anchors prematurely wearing out and failing. To put things in perspective, we've sold over 1 million V3 Anchors, so the observed failure rate is 7 in 1,000,000 (or 1 in every 17,000 users). Though small, this failure rate is unacceptable for us and hence we're updating our Anchors to prevent this issue from happening to anybody else."
They are shipping out a full set of replacement anchors at no charge to anyone that has V3 anchors (which came with my Slide), which is an excellent response to a 7 in 1,000,000 chance of failure, especially as they didn't request proof of purchase. //
Anchor Replacement Program 2018 Yea, PD are a pretty awesome company. Despite not needing it, I still want to buy one of their bags!