URGENT: Royal Mail
Anybody know the rules for posting lithium batteries? The Royal Mail site and literature contradicts itself.Thanks!! Just post them but make sure they are packaged up. I've never had an issue receiving them. I don't think anyone knows for certain.  I've not had a problem within the UK but I tried to send my sister her laptop when she moved to Germany last year.
It was clearly marked up, declared and insured as a laptop containing Lithium batteries, however German customs still didn't let it through and it took 5 weeks to get it back. I tried to post a phone last month and the post office refused it because the battery was not inside the phone (they asked me), they said it had to be inside the device or it was hazardous or something like that looks like you can no longer send batteries alone - they can be sent in equipment via domestic post but if "with equipment" but not connected they must be sent as business tracked post. (talking with UK here)
Jim Thanks, unfortunately I couldnt post the batteries I wasted my time wrapping up etc earlier, needs to be in device!! Hopefully buyers understand and I can send via courier Monday.  should've stuck an old lens cap or filter case or something in with them.... The counter person gave me grief, he said hed be prosecuted or something  Then just don't tell them....