AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:52:10

What are your favourite Flickr clichés?

Browsing groups the other day I started to wonder what were my favourite/least favourite recurring themes and subjects.
Here are mine, please post yours.

#3 "Street" - I've taken a picture of someone having a fag without them knowing, I've done a B&W conversion therefore it's "art".

#2 "Urban" - I've taken a picture of a bus.I've added a detailed description of exactly which bus it is.

#1 "I am a photographer" - I've taken a picture of one of my cameras with another one of my cameras and posted it to groups for both cameras.I've attracted several comments of "Nice camera!".

Dancook Publish time 2-12-2019 06:52:11

2 out of 3  I'm not up on my bus trivia..

/proxy.php?image= by dancook1982, on Flickr

/proxy.php?image= SL with 50mm 1.4 SL Summilux by dancook1982, on Flickr

My input..

Street photography of people preoccupied on their mobile phones, might be a nice way to build up confidence, but it gets old fast 

Oh.. favourite as in 'good' or 'bad' 

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:52:12

There's one user who regularly posts pictures of UK buses in a group I follow which is mainly "art" photography/phoneography and is run by a USA based camera accessory supplier.  —

I was tempted to include "look at this plane, it's just like the last plane" (to me anyway  )

Nice - Phone users is a good'un 

Favourite in either case or both - it's only supposed to be light hearted - I've taken plenty of cliched pictures and I'm sure I will again  

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:52:13

#3 is a tricky one. There are a lot of very boring average shots of people in the street and as you say folk say it's art. However, there are some street photography that is extremely well taken, adds interest, or taken from a particular point of view that make it interesting. As Dan's pic show you can take "a picture of someone having a fag without them knowing" and do a "B&W conversion" and create a great picture. I think the issue is more just that people assume they can take a pic of someone/something in the street and it's automatically 'cool' etc without getting a good composition etc etc.

#2 Buses are the ultimate and if you want to be explored you must take nothing but photos of buses 

#1 We all like to take pictures of things we love. I don't have kids so have to take pics of my cameras instead 
/proxy.php?image= Crop by TDG-77, on Flickr
/proxy.php?image= by TDG-77, on Flickr
/proxy.php?image= by TDG-77, on Flickr
/proxy.php?image= by TDG-77, on Flickr
/proxy.php?image= by TDG-77, on Flickr

You forgot #1a, the selfie in the mirror 
/proxy.php?image= by TDG-77, on Flickr

Ugg10 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:52:14

Street and b&w when combined can be good. Some on here will remember ami/hiker, she was close to genius when it came to this. Not that she would ever use Flickr, her pics usually had a half life of about 6 hours before she would delete them, interesting turn of phrase as well to explain the pictures. I still remember her cross in a graveyard with dismembered hands (but what does that say about me????).

There are a few of her's left on here - The Candid/Street Thread

newbie1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:52:14

Photos of selfies.Personally I quite like the photos of people and groups taking selfies.Even better when you can see their screen clearly.

newbie1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:52:15

Astro.And I'm sometimes guilty of this one....look at all the stars / Milky Way! I put my camera on a tripod and left the shutter open for a long time.Then I played in Lightroom until thousands of stars appeared even though what I actually could see at the time was the glow of street lights 

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:52:16

Yeah, but your end results are pretty stunning imo.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:52:16


FARFA (649)

What makes it's worse is they get more faves than any of my photos //;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:52:17


I need to look at more Astro 
What I've seen suggests a lot of time and effort. The subject isn't a favourite but I admire the effort and technique.

I've not seen many pics of selfie taking so that's one to track down too!

HDR landscapes  wow! Is that a common occurrence? I need to check out more landscape groups 

Ultra wide angle of a spiral staircase anyone?  
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