vorn182 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:19

I was using an iPhone and it never disconnected.My android phone disconnects and reconnects when there is a notification to push,I'm not sure whether it does that to save battery life maybe? I never have to manually pair the band with either phone if that's what you are doing?

And I agree with your other comments, I hardly notice it ever, and the alarm is fantastic when I need to get up for an early shift without waking up my wife.

kayzee Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:20

To be honest I think it's mainly when I walk out of Bluetooth range; it very rarely reconnects successfully  then I have have to manually repair it on the iPhone.

stoomc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:21

My other half has been looking at the Microsoft band.
Does this show all notifications from an iPhone. Eg. Would a whatsapp notification on an iPhone show on the band? (I understand she will not be able to interact)
Also when getting a notification does the screen light up or does it come in with a vibration and the screen stays off?


vorn182 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:22

WhatsApp works fine. I have mine in watch mode so the screen is always on anyway. I believe that if you have the screen off and then receive a notification then the screen will light up, as well as a vibration.

kayzee Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:23

Yes it's extremely good for notifications on the iPhone. I just wish dismissing them would do the same on the iPhone, and even the ability to delete them altogether would be great.

I've noticed that (usually) when my Bluetooth disconnects it's only the LE that does it, does anyone else get the same?

stoomc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:23

I'm still trying to get my head around the notifications.
I understand what you're saying about not being able to delete the notifications from your phone and it cant do that. What about the other way around... say you get a few notifications on and you view them on your iPhone, does it delete the amount of notifications on the band?


kayzee Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:24

No it doesn't, but they only appear as a notification as such for a few seconds... then they just get grouped under that particular app which can then all be dismissed by a single tap (per app)

stoomc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:24

Excellent, thank you very much!

stoomc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:24

Sorry, one very last question. When in a workout mode, say run for e.g does the screen stay lit so you can check at a glance how you are doing?

Sorry for all the questions, that's the last of them! 

vorn182 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:24

Yeah it stays on while running etc, you can see your time, current pace, heart rate, distance, it varies depending on.the activity.
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