stoomc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:25

Exactly what we're after. Thanks for this, again! 

45six Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:26

Really enjoying my Band.
I ordered the large and it turned out a little large for my wrist, I have it on the tightest notch (?)
I wear it facing out on my right wrist during the day as I find it easier to read and tap at that angle. Switch it to my left wrist overnight for "sleep" mode.

Apologies if this has been mentioned earlier in the thread but in case it is of interest, the mobile phone app can connect to partner sites like RunKeeper to automatically push your data through from the Band when you sync.

@oasismark My avatar sports the same hairstyle and Adidas top, which from memory wasn't a freebie. I guess it's not that unlikely for two AVForum users to pick the same stuff from the marketplace.

On the Xbox topic, if any Band owners are also Windows Phone users please check out a little app I wrote, it's a free download, allows you to create a Me Tile featuring your avatar, gamertag and gamerscore.
GamerBand | Windows Phone Apps Games Store (United States)

oasismark Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:27


You got the trainers too?

King Tones Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:28

Can anyone confirm if you get a Screen Protector in the box ?
Was going to order direct from the MS Store but it would take a few days.
So I am looking at Next Day with Amazon but not sure if one comes in the box or I would need to order a set ?

oasismark Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:28

No you dont get one in box

It scuffs like a mo fo as well, but its the plastic around the screen that gets marked, not necessarily the screen itself.

King Tones Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:29

Thanks Mark, really tempted in ordering one for delivery tomorrow.

Does anyone use it while riding their Bike ?
I was just wondering what stats it gives while you are riding ?

brumhee Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:30

*avoids easy wife joke* 

stoomc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:31

I know you're speaking about ordering with Amazon, but you do get a free Zagg screen protector if you order with Microsoft.

King Tones Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:31

I have not ordered yet as a local O2 store has them in stock so going to go and try one on.

A few questions for people who own one if you don't mind.

My main focus on getting one is for when I am out riding on my bike.
I am trying to get fit and I normally ride about 20miles every other day and trying to increase that. I ride every day to work and want to ensure I am pushing myself on my commute and other times and this is the reason for wanting this as it has GPS to track and Heart Rate Monitor.

So my questions are what information is displayed when using the Bike Tile on the Band ?
I am hoping I can just give it a quick glance while riding to see, heart rate, distance and speed.

Also what sort of battery length am I looking at with the GPS turned on ?
I am looking at probably just wearing while out on my bike as it will be easier to kick off the activity than using my phone.

DisguisedCoot Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:32

Took delivery of mine yesterday. Was impressed at first but after a few hours the thing has started to lock up and the touch screen has become unresponsive. Anyone else had this problem?
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