Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:43

Been spending some time with both Apple Watch and Android Wear

I'm so heavily invested in Apple's ecosystem that I feel kind of trapped.I love my iMac, iPad & iPhone, Apple TV etc.

But damn I'm getting tired of paying Apple prices.
So, I'm on my 3rd attempt to leave the iPhone fold (still have my 6 plus) and naturally wanted a smartwatch to accompany it.

The Sony smartwatch 3 is currently available for around £110, so I snapped one up and have been comparing the merits of Watch OS and Android Wear.   Which one do I prefer?

Well, the Apple Watch's trump features are the built in speaker and ability to take calls on the watch itself.It technically does more, but for me I really just want notifications and perhaps stopwatch/ timer.

Oddly, despite the Apple Watch's smaller footprint on my fairly skinny wrists, I prefer the wrap around effect of the Sony's strap (where the strap curves away directly from the face instead of attaching to the middle of the watch case or to lugs).   I also find the Apple Watch sports strap a little fiddly to put on... Sony's is a billion times easier and satisfying to put on.

But I'm really focusing on how the watches actually work, and which I prefer.

And in a nutshell, I prefer Android Wear.
Apple's watch interface is too complicated and inconsistent.   When I get an email or a message, I never know whether to swipe up, swipe right or hard press to 'dismiss' the notification.

By contrast, Android wear is consistently swipe up to view and swipe right to dismiss.It's simple and I like it.
I also like that I can display digital watch face with seconds on Android Wear... for some reason Apple missed this off the to do list.

So, after just a few weeks I'm considering selling my Apple Watch.I just need to convince myself that I can be weened off iOS in general. That's the hard part.

Apple Watch for me is really a bit 'meh', and at more than 3 times the price of the Sony it's really not one of Apple's strongest offerings.

In fact, a mate of mine took his back after 5 days and asked the store how many they get returned.The reply was that their return rate was currently running at about 45% !!!

JUS Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:44

45% wow! I'm surprised at that.

Interesting read, thanks 

I'm usually an early adopter but I've not got a watch yet - very tempted a number of times. I think the main reason is in the shop I didn't find the Apple watch intuitive at all...like you really I was swiping, pushing, pulling shaking and just couldn't get it to do what I wanted.

I do see a reason for the watch...I love the idea of having a satnav on my wrist and not having to carry the phone around in my hand when I'm walking around London, NY or wherever.

An odd one but another thing putting me off is I just don't feel comfortable with it on my left wrist or using my left hand to use it.

I've tried using the Sister in laws Samsung phone and thought the UI was quite unintuitive and poorly put together...so I don't think I'll be swapping to Android.

Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:45

I agree Android is less intuitive than iOS, but with smartwatches its the other way around.

I could teach someone to use android wear in 30 seconds.

I remember Steve jobs talking about the litmus test of a user interface is to hand it to a 5 year old and see how they react to it.
Apple's Watch OS would have him turning in his grave.

JUS Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:45

Not used one yet but very interesting to hear you say that....my point really was I couldn't move to an Android watch because I'd have to move to an Android phone...which unfortunately I'm not prepared to do 

garymontague Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:46

I do believe that android wear watches now work with iPhones through the android wear app.

I don't think you get full functionality though but you do get notifications etc

JUS Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:46

I didn't realise that. Might order a Sony watch to give it a try. Do you know whether Satnav works via it? Google maps perhaps?

Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:46

The Sony doesn't have a built in speaker, not sure that it does.Happy to be proved wrong though.

P.S.If you decide to plump for the Sony and would consider saving a few quid, I'm probably going to put my 3 week old model up for sale as I want the metal version and can't buy the strap separately anywhere.

Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:46

I just have to add that I did decide to sell my Apple Watch and I'm now flying exclusively on my Sony Smartwatch 3.

I will concede that the Apple Watch is functionally much more sophisticated, but I'm really not missing it.

The Sony smartwatch 3 with metal link bracelet is now available for around £180 at Amazon, and it does everything I want while being completely waterproof.
How much do Apple want for their watch with a link bracelet?.......£859 !!!And I wouldn't go swimming with it.

The price of an iPhone 6S and an Apple Watch with link bracelet is £1600.

You can buy an Android phone with better specs than the iPhone, plus a complete metal Android Smartwatch for under £400!

Now I love Apple products and I still can't bring myself to sell my iPhone 6 Plus just yet (the next few days will tell), but when you reflect on the ownership costs and the typical annual 'upgrades', its eye watering!

No wonder they are the most cash rich company in the world.   The bubble must surely burst soon?

Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:46

My metal version of the smartwatch 3 arrived yesterday.

Despite its size, it's a very nice looking watch....much nicer than the Apple Watch Sport for less than half of the price.I paid £155.

The always on transflective display is great outdoors, battery life is better, and it runs independently of the phone as a music player and GPS tracker.

i'd say snap one up before they all go.The smartwatch 4 is likely to be much more expensive.

WozzaUK Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:47

Are you using this in conjunction with your iPhone? How do the 2 play together? Any features missing?
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