Desbo Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:57

Fujifilm X100F and a Ricoh GRII or, just Ricoh GRIII?


I'm looking for 1 (or 2) new compact cameras, and can't decide whether to get two or one.If two, then I'm looking at the Fujifilm X100F and get a used Ricoh GRII, or just get the Ricoh GRIII when it comes out.

The idea being, I'd use the GRII for street photography, and the X100F for anything else, including taking it when travelling / on holiday.If I just got the GRIII, it would be used for everything.

Does anyone have any opinions on this, that could help me decide?Cost doesn't really come into it (expect I can't afford the X100F AND the GRIII).

273K Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:58

Those are quite similar cameras, just wondering why do you think the Ricoh grii wouldn't be suitable for everything else/travel, or the X100F couldn't be used for street photography? Also the grIII is obviously an upgrade on the grii but the focal length is still the same?

Edit: not having a go, just trying to understand your thinking to this point.

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:59

IMO these are pretty similar beasts. I'm sure you have your reasons for buying the 2, but I'd be inclined to got for one of them for "street" and a CSC body/lens that you can fit a zoom to for "anything else".
If I had that kind od money to spend, I think I'd look at the X-Pro 2 and a suitable lens.

Desbo Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:00

I want one camera I can carry in my pocket for street photography (the Fuji won't quite fit), so the Ricoh would be nice for that.The slightly longer focal length of the Fuji would suit me more for travel photography/everything else.

Desbo Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:00

I might just wait for the GRIII if the other too are too similar to each other in that case.

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:00

I'm with the posters above - the GRIII looks like it covers (almost) everything that the Fuji does and offers stabilisation and a newer sensor - if you can wait.

I mainly use a 17mm (34mm FF equi) lens on my camera but I do use a zoom on holiday in good light.I might miss that if I only had a fixed focal length.

I have to admit I'm a bit of a sucker for Fuji's design and I loved their film simulation modes on my XF1 - I was less a fan of their build quality though.Stuck aperture blades on a fixed lens and the camera was a paperweight after 2 years of light use 

Desbo Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:00


Yeah, I'd been torn between the X100F and the GRII - reading online, I like the GRII's black and white photos, the size, and the lens.With the X100F, I like the colours it produces and the film simulation, the ND filter, the look of it, and the ease of changing shutter speed, ISO, and aperture.

Desbo Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:01

Oh, and the viewfinder on the fuji!

273K Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:02

Yeh, I think, in terms of focal length, 28mm and 35mm would be too close to justify two different cameras, that's just for me personally though. The Ricoh is a great camera, and like you say the size is ideal, and would definitely be my choice if I had the luxury of buying a camera exclusively for street photos.
For your 'everything else' camera would the X100f be enough though? Again, personally, I actually prefer primes, but zooms are obviously more versatile. If you like the Fuji aesthetic one of their changeable lens cameras might give you more options? I walk around with a X-e2 with 27mm pancake lens which isn't too unwieldy (not pocketable admittedly, but comfortable on a neck strap for long periods). The X-a2/3/5 has a smaller body and with the 27mm lens mightn't be too much bigger than the Ricoh.

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:03

Is there a price and release date for the GRIII?
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