Desbo Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:04

Ricoh have said early 2019. No update as yet though.Expect a price tag of around £800-900   From the rumours.

Desbo Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:05

That’s a very good shout, and is affordable.


snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:06

If you like the longer focal length of the Fuji how is the GRIII going to solve that, it's still got the 28mm eq lens like the GRII?

Desbo Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:07

It wouldn’t. But then it’s not really much of a problem.

I suppose you could rephrase my question to be “Is the GRIII going to be worth buying and having as my only camera, or should I buy the X100F and the GRII (for the reasons I’ve given)?”

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:08

That was my point, if you're finding the focal length of the GR's restrictive this will be no different with the GRIII meaning that you will still have to buy the X100F 

Desbo Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:09

Thanks again for this suggestion. I went for the XE3 with the 18-55mm lens. I’m going to try out the focal lengths at the lower end of that before I decide on a prime.So I’ll either get a prime or just get a GRII after the GRIII come out - I figure the II will come down in price or 2nd hand prices will fall one the III is released.

I’m must say, photos I’ve taken so far with the XE3 have exceeded my expectations. The PQ is great, and what a lovely colour tone it has. I’m so impressed!

273K Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:10

Great stuff! The 18-55 is a good choice, it has a great reputation.

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:11

The Fuji system camera sounds a great idea and makes a lot of sense to mix that with a fixed prime camera like you were looking at so you have the advantage of both when you need them rather than two fixed prime cameras.

I have a Sony RX1r which is similar to the Fuji with a 35mm fixed lens and it's a great little camera that I love using however I wouldn't solely have a camera like and do also have a DSLR FF and a mirrorless setup for more flexibility.

willmiam1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:11

I think the GRIII has crop shooting to 35mm which makes it more versatile than the Fuji...IMO, the GRIII is the one to get...
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