Stiggy Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:06

You need iOS 9.

jerryjal Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:07

Ok, thanks.

Unfortunately I can't install IOS9 yet.

I also use my phone for work and one of the apps I use (iZettle) does not yet work with IOS9 so I need to wait for them to update the app before I can update the phone.

Gordon WT Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:08

Since the OS2 Upgrade my weather app is showing nighttime icons even though it's bright & sunny outside :-(.

mattyduk Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:09

even after OS2, it's still all a bit hit and miss. If I launch DarkSkys or weather from my phone , I more or less instantly get a forecast.On the watch when launch from the complication it's rare for it to get the forecast first time, sometimes works the second time if I'm lucky (it just comes up getting forcast, or connection not avaiable , most of the time). It's just all a bit hit and miss and OS2 hasn't made any change to the way I use the watch.

It's still heads above my Pebble, but it's not amazing yet 

richard plumb Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:10

Are the apps copying across from the iPhone which is why they are so slow to start? You'd think they'd be stored on the watch locally. Also you should be able to set often used apps and the iPhone will push data updates to them several times during the day so you at least have cached recent data to quickly display while it might be fetching more up to date info.

mattyduk Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:11

from my understanding, after OS2 the apps should run locally on the watch as they are native watch apps. Seems very hit and miss with anything that uses GPS - which I guess is the data transfer as the watch doesn't have GPS.

Mr X Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:12

I think this is onlywhen the app developer upgrades the app to run locally, of which there aren't many yet. I could be mistaken though so perhaps someone can clarify.

mattyduk Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:13

so a good couple of months in. Think the watch is much better than the pebble I had for 2 years - email integration and messaging is better, obviously the screen is very nice and clear which makes getting notifications from Hotukdeals or Forza app more pleasing.


OS2 seems a complete waste of time and missed opportunity. All of the apps I have whether they are Amazon, Dark Skies , all still seem to run on the phone. If I run dark skies on my phone I get a more or less instant response, run it on the watch and I'll be waiting almost a minute sometimes with the display going on an off.

Apple really need to address the app functionality rather than wait until the next version of the watch where no doubt they will say the current version can't run the "new" features, so sucks to be you.

Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:14

Couldn't agree more.
In general I feel the Apple Watch is too slow to be useful for anything other than basic notifications.
Have you tried using a basic calculator?Forget it.You'd be quicker working it out on paper.... even on OS2.   I had a Casio calculator watch in 1982 that worked better, and I'm absolutely not kidding.

I've been a massive Apple fan for years and have loads of Apple devices, but the Watch has given me an epiphany.... How much ?   They really are ripping us off.   Needless to say I sold mine.

The Apple Watch 2 needs to be much much faster, much much cheaper, slimmer, more intuitive and consistent, and have built in GPS. The problem they've got is that if they do all this it will irritate first generation owners (like I used to be).

I'm very interested to see what Apple do next with the Watch. OS2 turned out to be an anti climax.

the porter Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:15

I totally agree as anotification tool it's great, but fitness and speed of use is just hopeless it's too slow ,music syncing is a pita again just slow and half of the time it's not even synced everything ,I need a more dedicated fitness tool anyway so I think it's a Tomtom spark for me to try the music version and come back to Apple on the 2nd gen
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