roll1later Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:43

You been looking at them naughty web pages Jim? Your keyboard has got all sticky again 

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:44


snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:45

@shotokan101 @Dancook @AMc @Johnmcl7 @BT Bob @icemanonline @Faldrax @roll1later @SunnyIntervals @thewhofan @sim12 thanks for your feedback it's much appreciate.I've opened a vote on these 5, some of which have has a bit of a PP tweak. The first 3 would be the obvious choice being as it's a competition to photograph touring cars, but last two are different from the norm and may stand out. Hopefully if I've done it right there should be a poll at the top now.

/proxy.php?image= by TDG-77, on Flickr

/proxy.php?image= by TDG-77, on Flickr

/proxy.php?image= by TDG-77, on Flickr

/proxy.php?image= by TDG-77, on Flickr

/proxy.php?image= by TDG-77, on Flickr

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:46

I've voted 1. because it's touring cars, but of the 5, the cyclist wins it for me... (not much help, sorry  )

pwood Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:47

I went with the motorbike. Before thinking about it or reading the comments I quickly scanned down the list and the motorbike drew my attention the most. The edited one was what I was thinking when I viewed the original, needed a crop. Dam fine photos btw //

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:48

No contest - go on -grow a pair and be the one who doesn't enter the obvious shot..... 

icemanonline Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:48





GaseousClay Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:49


invisiblekid Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:50

3 or maybe 9.

But IMO 3 gets my vote.

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:51

I was thinking that as well but it's hard to know what people want, putting an alternative shot in could make it stand out from the rest of what I assume will be very similar photos or it could immediately put it out of contention because it's not what they're looking for.

I'm not keen on 4 as that odd striped effect in the background immediately reminds me of a corrupted jpeg and I prefer motorbike shots which show the bike tilted over and more in action.

Similarly the cyclist is a bit static for me almost as if the bike is powered, I like to see road cyclist shots where you can see the power the cyclist is putting into the bike when they're sprinting on the drops or hauling up hard on the hoods.

That's not a criticism of the photos, just my preference though and the fact everyone seems to have a different choice of photo shows they're all very good.
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