tonkie Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:57

Advise Please,Been asked to use some shots of mine

I'm after some advice,I have just received this email via Flickr

Hello ,

my name is Juergen Tronicke and I am the Chairman of the World Lighthouse Society.

I am writing a book about the lighthouses in England, Wales and on the Channel Islands.

I also want to include a good picture of the Point Robert lighthouse on Sark in the book.
May I ask you if I can use some of your pictures?
Of course you will keep the copyright and your name will be shown under each picture.
I need the pictures in a resolution 1 MB plus.
Many other people have given me a support so far and so I hope you will as well.

I am looking forward to hear from you.

best regards


I am more than happy for him to use some of my shot,but was wondering if I should ask for anything in return apart from my name being accredited to the shots,to be honest I am more than happy with just my name being mentioned.

Do you think I will be under selling myself if I let him use any FOC,I wouldn't want to lose the chance of any of my shots not appearing in his book if I ask for payment.Maybe a copy of his book would be sufficient,so what do you think.

To say I'm chuffed to bits that someone thinks my photo's are worthy to be published, is an understatement

TonyH Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:58

A copy of the book wouldn't be too much to ask for 

RajP Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:59

I would be chuffed too if someone asked to use my work... I would be more then happy for them to use the photos as long as they cannot be republished in any other publication without my permission and in the book, it credit to my photos clearly. That would be sufficient payment for me.. 

Obviously, I am not pro Tog who is in the business to sell the photos.. if you are a pro, you may have a different approach to it...

Well done and your work does deserve the credit!!! 

nikonuser11 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:00

well done Tonkie, your call- obviously- but its not Microsoft thats asking and I'd be happy with my name and contact info for possible future stuff

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:01


And congrats. on the recognition Neil 

Personally I'd ask what the book's selling price will be and possibly ask for a few copies if it's not a Charity Effort. - e.g. "How about some free copies?" and see what's offered perhaps...


Simon3119 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:02

I would agree with this 100%.

tontoshorse Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:02

Well done Neil. Do it and do it for free! As Tony pointed out maybe ask for a copy.

tonkie Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:03

Thanks All

I emailed the guy yesterday informing him that he can use my shots providing he does not use in any other publication or sell or print any without my permission and that my name is accredited to the shots,also I asked if I could have a copy of the book.

He has replied and agreed with what I have asked him and if any shots appear in his book he seems to think I will get a copy.


Again thanks for the advise guys

Some Bloke Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:04

It's too late now, but.

But, first of all, congratulations 
I wouldn't just give the image away for free, you've got to remember he's going to be making money from the book and it's only fair that you receive payment too.

I would have tried to find out the what the cost of the book would be and the quantity of the print run of the first edition (second editions might follow).

Kahmac Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:05

Hi Tonkie, I've recently received an almost identical message from the same guy. Did he send you a copy of his book? He's now doing another book so wanted to check he's genuine.

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