GaseousClay Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:06

Tonkie hasn't been active on these forums for nearly 4 years though I believe he still has an active account on flickr tonkie93 so may be contactable via the email on his 'about' page

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:06

I'm glad you wrote this. I didn't check the dates of the posts and was just about to congratulate Tonkie 

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:07

Looks like he's done a few books. However, there's no sample pages so cannot confirm whether or not he actually credits the photographer.ürgen-Tronicke/s?rh=n:266239,p_27:Jürgen Tronicke

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:07

Interesting background (will need google translate)

Der Franke mit der Liebe zur Küste

newbie1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:07

Sounds like it’s too late.....I would not give away for free unless it was a charity I wanted to support.It’s not simply the money it’s more that it undervalues photography as a profession.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:08

Everybody and their dog is a tog these days and just the pure accreditation of an image is enough for some to give their images away. At least in this instance they are getting paid in the way of a copy of the book. That's pretty good when you have sites like Shutter Stock that sell your images for about 25cents a go I believe 

TBH I've never really thought of it as undervaluing the profession, as I said everyone's a tog these days and images are everywhere, but then I've never really given it much thought tbh. Your post has certainly made me think 

newbie1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:08

You take amazing pictures Toby, you really should.I’m Newbie here as I was when I joined a few years ago but things have moved quite quickly. I think the first person asked to buy a pic about 4 years ago and I said no as I had no idea how to price.I sold my first print a couple of years later for 500 profit. So it’s possible.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:09

Thanks for the kind words. TBH I wasn’t talking about me selling my photos, just that it made me think about how giving away stuff for free undermines others and professions.

I wouldn’t even know where or how to start selling photos tbh 

tonkie Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:09

That’s uncanny, I’ve only logged on to ask question on another part of AV and thought I would say hello here and Jim has said someone was asking a question about a post of mine.

The answer to the question relating to a request for one of my shots, is I never received a copy of the book, but a shot or mine was in the said book with a credit to me, more than happy with that.

GaseousClay Publish time 2-12-2019 06:30:09

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