ruffage Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:45

Amazon reviews are rubbish these days.Half the time you're reading a review for a completely different item.

12harry Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:46

For a lightweight camera lens almost any tripod will be better than none - If you use the self-timer, you'll be surprised how much sharper the image is ( distant leaves on trees, or town hall clock numerals ).
Generally, a tripod with bracing will be sturdier, but for stills it may be unnecessary. Where it shows is with camcorders during panning the tripod is fighting back.
That Amazon item says it's 47" - strikes me as a tad short. If you can, try to buy a spare camera-plate,- without this, the tripod is useless.
A cheapo tripod (if it survives) is a useful fall-back . . . but only spend serious money when you know it's what you need.
Check what Others on the course are buying. You might avoid a wrong'un.Ideally try with yr camera - how easy is it to set-up, and put back into the bag.

Good Luck.

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:47

65" ?


Ravelli 65 Inch Ball Head Camera Photo Tripod APGL5 - Review

ruffage Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:48

It's the Mk2, not the above, and yes it's 65".It arrived today and it's a thing of beauty.Very well made and pleased with it for £34.


Glad I chose a ball head though so thanks to @icemanonline .

spannersatcx Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:48

Good, hope it goes well.

xxGBHxx Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:49

Bit late now but a photography friend of mine persuaded me to buy one of the lower end Manfrotto's and it's a wonderful bit of kit. Cost about £60 in an Amazon offer.

Contrasting that, he just spent about £1500 on a single tripod. He did say it was an incredible bit of kit though. Amazing what you can afford when you don't have a family or a mortgage...


amardilo Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:49

Sorry to post in an old thread but I was wondering if anyone used an AmazonBasics 60-Inch Lightweight Tripod? If so can you remove the head and replace it with something else?

I'm looking for a really cheap (2nd) tripod for a small project that's going to use long exposure car photography (using a Canon EOS M10 and Canon EOS 700D) and don't want to spend more than £30 (the AmazonBasics brand also has an extra 20% off at the moment).

I have a Manfrotto Element Traveller tripod that uses Arca Swiss plates and I also use Peak Design's Standard Plate so I would like to keep using those than switch the plates round.

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:50

Not used one but the product questions on amazon say that the head can be replaced - looks to have a max. Load of 3kg so make sure the camera lens combo is lower than that - also use the hook to add a weight to improve stability - especially if using for long exposure work

Another answer I think says that it can be used wiyh arca plates - the poster ssys they reviewed the tripod with details so check that out


mitch23 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:50

Maybe you have to consider using the cheaper tripod first. You can always upgrade your tripod after you upgrade your gears 

ruffage Publish time 2-12-2019 06:29:51

I bought this one.. over a year ago. 

Beginner's Tripod?
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