samgamgee Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:50

Depends how much you use it (i.e. how many times it buzzes for notifications and how often you look at it.

I get a good 50 notifications a day, looking at each one and at the end of the day it’d be about 40%.

shodan Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:50

Folks, love my watch but find occasionally, for no obvious reason, the battery will suddenly drain really fast. Each time I look at the Android wear app to see what's going on with the battery and see this little green Android man logo with no description.
I feel it is signifying what is wrong, but I don't know what it means. Any help please? I've barely touched my phone because I'm busy at work.
I also know that if I do a restart on it, that disappears and the battery drain stops...

samgamgee Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:51

My watch is fine and i have the little android man on the list so I dont think its that.

That large drain seems to be at lunchtime. Is there something that happens then to cause it?
Does your phone connect to it or something?

shodan Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:52

I was wondering if I'd left it on my desk and gone out of range for a few mins? But then the drain doesn't stop when it reconnects. When it goes like that it can drain flat in minutes...

samgamgee Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:53

Doesnt sound right. Id send it back and get it swapped

shodan Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:54

I think it's more of a wayward app as it only does it very occasionally.. I'm hoping that Marshmallow will solve it...

bubs999 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:55

Shouldn't be too long for that

shodan Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:56

Baited breath...

Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:57

i got a bit giddy and purchased both the lime green and white strap to go with my existing black and metal variants.

Amongst the lot, my favourite is the white which makes this deal at PC World a bit of a giveaway.

The metal version looks great for work, but the silicone variants are more comfortable.
The black version looks a bit 'casio' (still fine though), while the lime green strap adjustment is different and less secure (it has a tendency to slide loose under pressure) and some say it looks a bit 'noddy'.

The white version looks fresh & clean, while being secure and comfortable.

I have no regrets switching from an Apple Watch to this.
The equivalent strap options with Apple would have cost around £1000.

samgamgee Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:58

Im happy with the black. The white is a bit girly for me
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