Sony Smartwatch 3 - SWR50
I must have been a good boy this year, Santa has bought me one of these! Loved the idea of aSmartwatch but couldn't justify it so I stopped reading about them...So what do I need to know? What should I download?
Quick review..
Very comfy, very lovely looking, slim and with all my playing has worked perfectly.
Waterproof, GPS, 4gb, quad core processor I'm a massive Android and Google fan and the watch ties in perfectly with my Google now and everything else Google I use.
Absolutely loving it! I use the BBC Sports app and get goal flashes to the watch.
Also I have Wear Face Collection HD for face designs. Cool! And how do you find using the device? It's ok. Not essential but useful when I get texts or for sport stuff. I wear it or my Suunto. Also useful as you can remote control music. Sometimes I Bluetooth music from my phone through the stereo. 40 best Android Wear smartwatch apps 2015 Think im going for this. Less than £100 and a decent watch..almost comparable to others.
Id like a better looking one but dont want to shell out for something i havent tried before i think it is a blinding deal. Also when I got mine from PC World (who I normally don't buy from) I got a free white strap as well as the black one it came with. So it made it an even better deal ::Smashin:: I absolutely love mine! It integrates so well and do subtly and the battery life is great. If it is just used for notifications then I can easily get 2 days plus from it.
It's also a cracking gadget. Thats the deal im looking at (still get the white strap). You like the watch?
Thanks. Think i'll go for it then. I was considering a pricier watch that looks more like a watch but for what I want it for- might be better playing safer.
I mainly want it for notifications (phones not allowed at work etc) and hopefully to get a bit fitter and do some fitness tracking (cycling mainly). i like mine. It is the second smart watch I have had and there are a few things I really like...
1) notifications of texts, voicemail etc
2) being able to talk and text - handy when out cycling
3) occasionally Google Now has warned me of upcoming traffic which was very kind of it
4) I really like AutoWear combined with Tasker. I can do things like say "Leaving Work" and it will run a macro to let my wife know I am on my way home and switches off my wifi.
I am still not 100% sold on the full experience - still think it has a long way to go and would really like to see more apps support it. For example when I have more than one email I'd like to be able to read them all rather than just see I have them.
But the Sony Smartwatch is a decent enough bit of kit; good battery life; fairly pleasant to look at...etc