Looking for a cheap around £30 digital compact camera with a big zoom for use at stadium concerts ?
Hell I am look for a digital compact camera with a big zoom forconcertsand sporting events like WWE and stadium gigs.I currently have Fuji Bridge camerawhich is good for most things like NFL games and other stuff .
However at concerts and some events big cameras are not allowed.
So I am looking for a camera which has long zoom so I can even be at the back of a stadium or arena and I can get a close up photo of stage or ring .
My limit is £30 roughly .
I look forward to hearing from you.
Farhan As you're probably aware a £30 limit is very low and there's not really much suitable in that range.Panasonic pretty much created this market with the TZ series and you could pick up one of the very early models in the price range:
panasonic tz | eBay
Bear in mind these are old cameras, their zooms are only 10-12x and the image quality is going to be behind newer models and mobile phones.
John Also bear in mind that these type of cameras are not brilliant at low light photography and also sometimes have difficulty in focusing and get the right exposure for brightly lit stages at night so a manual setting mode and maybe a focus lock function may be worth looking for.
Good luck with the search. - - - - £30 isn't really a budget - - - -it will cost more than that for the Entrance-Ticket, surely?
Something like £300 is a decent starting-point.
IMHO the snag with a phone is the handling in a crowded space - and few have optical zoom lens, relying on digital zoom to discard pixels.
I have a FZ*** (dunno) but it's 12x zoom and about 5Mpx - I fear the battery is probably non-available and whilst a 5Mpx at 12x should beat a modest new camera ( when enlarged 12x ), it's not a good investment . . .as others have explained.
Good Luck. £30, seriously Good luck 
Let us all know where you find one No chance unless it's broken. I wish I could be more helpful but I cannot see how you could get everything the OP is aking for at £30.
Even if you could get a digital compact with a long zoom it will not be ideal for it's intended use due to the inevitable camera shake and poor low light capabilties if used inside for example. Did he seriously mean £30, or £300 ?????? Should be able to pick up an older model TZ series compact for around that price...... Hello I have seen the theses two camerason Amazon
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Iycorish-Screen-Optical-Digital-Telescopic-silver/dp/B07Q44632B/ref=sr_1_89?crid=12OCZHFTF6AEK&keywords=digital camera optical zoom&qid=1567712705&refinements=p_36:138894031&rnid=389035011&s=electronics&sprefix=Digital camera opti,electronics,198&sr=1-89
https://www.amazon.co.uk/PowerLead-Optical-Anti-shake-Capture-Digital/dp/B01HOBAEYE/ref=sr_1_27?crid=12OCZHFTF6AEK&keywords=digital camera optical zoom&qid=1567712628&refinements=p_36:138894031&rnid=389035011&s=electronics&sprefix=Digital camera opti,electronics,198&sr=1-27
What do people think about these for around £30?
I look forward to your thoughts .
Farhan What do you expect for £30, a toy especially new
It costs £30
after manufacturing costs,seller commission, transport you have something with £4 worth of parts !!!, why is it that you can't find them on Google when you google reviews of them ?
Can't you save up, though I do ask, is this a serious post as 10 years on forums no one has asked for a £30 camera
I am sure you can check ebay for compact cameras up to £30
Canon IXUS 185 20MP Compact Digital Camera - Red 4549292083149 | eBay
Even the specs are a JOKE
Use: Home UseDUH!!!!!, DON'T take it outside  High Definition: 1080P (Full-HD) Yeah I bet !!!! prove itType: PORTABLEIts a ******** camera !material: plastic and the lens!Color: silver