CanNik Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:14

Oh and it has a

"Telescopic Lens"not a zoom Hahahaha

The joke gets better Media: HDD / Flash memory

And it is HD not Hd as they say, great company

Image Stabilization: Optical Image Stabilizer, In your dreams

CanNik Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:15

As for the other one camera optical zoom&qid=1567712628&refinements=p_36:138894031&rnid=389035011&s=electronics&sprefix=Digital camera opti,electronics,198&sr=1-27&tag=av0c-21

Err .....

1.Image Sensor. 3.0MP CMOS sensor. Pixels. 18.0 Mega Pixels   WHICH  
2.AVI. Video Resolution. VGA (640 x 480), QVGA (320 x 240) OMG it is a webcam  
3.File Format:JPGEor even JPEG ???

Farhanc007 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:16

Hello CannikI have Fiji finepix S900 bridge camerawhich I used successfully at the cricket and NFL.

However some sporting events or concerts don’t want professional looking camera at the event.

So I am looking for a camera with a optical zoom for around £30.

On walmart they have :

I look forward to the thoughts on these .



CanNik Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:17

Personally my opinion is the original poster is not a serious poster

"So I am looking for a camera which has long zoom so I can even be at the back of a stadium or arena and I can get a close up photo of stage or ring ."

1."Digital zoom !!! is CARP (re arrange)
2."My limit is £30 roughly ."not $60 (£50)

This has become a pointless thread, the "UV protection filter" on just one of my lenses is £125

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:18

Looking at the OP’s other threads asking for budget hifi and headphones - they just don’t have the money some of us are able to spend on our hobbies.

A close up of the stage from the back of the stadium is a big ask for cameras that cost more than 10x the £30 budget.

We honestly can’t advise on these cameras they’re not something we would consider buying or even giving to someone else.
Gut feeling is any new camera for £30 is likely to be a huge disappointment.

I suggest you follow @shotokan101 advice and scour eBay and gumtree for an older used TZ or similar. If you find something we might be able to help you to decide if it’s going to be worth the gamble.

CanNik Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:19

Sorry I have to disagree and say I think this person is a TROLL, why

"What I am looking for is headphones with good/excellent sound quality for around £30/$40?"

They are supposedly always looking at £30, and wanting superb/good/best

This to me is NOT a serious post or poster just someone who may want to "join in" for no real reason

But I hope I am wrong, whatever, I think he expects miracles,I am not rich, retired at 55, now 60, single father, and I would not even consider £30-£50 CARP, he has been advised to look on Ebay but still looks at rubbish

Snake79 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:19

I though that initially too but went along with it just trying to be helpful.

The cameras on the link from non brand companies are going to be like camera phones at best or at worse camera phones from 2003. They probably won't last 6 months either.

CanNik Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:20

I may be wrong if I am apologies but I would like the initial poster to provide more details as to why his posts are all the same

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:21

If a post or poster isn’t serious then we are all free to move on to the next one.
No one is obliged to read or reply to a forum post.

CanNik Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:22

I agree..... to an extent, but surely such posts waste time and make a forum look bad, I hope he is genuine
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View full version: Looking for a cheap around £30 digital compact camera with a big zoom for use at stadium concerts ?