Photography General Chat Thread
For those random photography (but not only) posts that are too trivial to merit its own thread. I'll start. If I was to sell my Canon 85mm 1.8 prime lens here on AVF, would there be any interest?I'm still considering whether to sell or not.
(probably 50mm 1.8 too) What will you replace it with? Its not the classifieds so watch out about gauging interest. Can we talk footy?   I only used the 85 handful of times since I bought it couple of years ago. It is a bit of random thought as I don't have to sell it, but it just sits there unused especially since I bought 100mm L Macro - similar length.
I am thinking about Canon Pixma PRO-100 if I'm honest  Of course, it's general chat thread for photography section members. noooooooooo  Here's a thought.I would like to see Canon release a DSLR to rival medium format pixels and to compete with the Nikon D800E. As does my 85 1.8, ever since I bought the 135L. So long as it's images only!