HaRd2BeAr Publish time 2-12-2019 06:12:10

A 100! What the hell have you got in there that's so important!?

Foster Publish time 2-12-2019 06:12:10


tobyjuggler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:12:11

I'm in exactly the same boat as you. Pre-ordered from Samsung, got two DPD e-mails with early delivery date, then an e-mail from Samsung telling me to ignore DPD, then another e-mail with delayed date for the charger. Then on the day of delivery, I got one DPD e-mail, then once delivered (watch only, no charger), I got an e-mail from Samsung telling me that my order had been fulfilled with details of both the watch and the charger in the e-mail. I did check on the DPD label and it said there was only 1 parcel. Really odd that buyers from 3rd party resellers are getting their charger, but not those of us who ordered direct.

tobyjuggler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:12:12

I have Watchmaker and use Watchmaker Watch Faces - WatchAwear - SmartWatch Resources for WatchMaker & Android for my watch faces, thousands to choose from, my favourite being one call Bluegreen. It has phone and watch battery on it, detailed weather, steps, miles walked etc.

prezzy Publish time 2-12-2019 06:12:13

Swapped mine out for one of these - looks better than the og one for sure - loads out there though.

imightbewrong Publish time 2-12-2019 06:12:14

Hey - don't penalise someone for having a good password by making them enter it character by character with a clicky wheel, caps, special characters and all.

anticlaus105 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:12:15

That's one way to make sure no one finds your Celine Dion playlist 

DarenD Publish time 2-12-2019 06:12:16

You can also turn it off in settings.

Anybody else noticing the Charger Duo makes a low hum like an internal fan. Not ideal for bedside cabinets. But the idea works well with it set up so I just drop my phone and watch on it while I'm in the shower etc. No looking for chargers in my work bag

imightbewrong Publish time 2-12-2019 06:12:17

Well, pleased to say I didn't have to do this - I opened Spotify on the watch today ready for some clicking and it had connected to my Spotify account - so all good.

Not impressed with the general disjointedness - I've had to enter my Samsung password into 3/4 separate apps I've installed - seems unnecessary.

Just went for a run with it - one of my main uses.Pleased with what I got - picked up my gps position quickly, recorded the run, bmp, cadence, called out timings, alterted me on each km complete etc.Lots of info saved into Samsung Health.Haven't tried it with music yet - need to go shopping for some comfortable bluetooth running headphones - recommendations welcome.

anticlaus105 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:12:18

I have just put some music on my watch. The way I am doing so is to create a folder in one drive on my pc, use a program to sync this to my phone and then in the wearable app move this folder contents to my watch. this is for if I go running without my phone.

This seems a bit of a faff. Is there a better way? I have never used samsung music. Is it like spotify or amazon music or is it a way to organize music?

EDIT: Just installed samsung music. It seems pretty decent. Is there a way to transfer folders/files to the watch from it?

EDIT2: It seems there is. awesome. I really should research before I post.

EDIT3: It seems I can just send files over from file manager. I'm sure I looked for this before and couldn't find the option.
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