spencer_uk Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:54

where to start?

Hi all - just taken the plunge with an Oculus Rift S. Fired it up, did the demo (oh my word! a complete grin-o-rama). Not sure what to do next. I have a few games in the steam library from PCars through to NMS. However I feel I should edge myself in gently to get my VR legs. Any tips?

Thanks in advance....

huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:55

I would suggest pacing your self with some third person stuff to get you used to it. Luckys tale is nice, go through the oculus store demo section. Then start building up some hours with skyrim etc.

Like the lady said......... Welcome to Oculus //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:56

Lucky's Tale is an EXCELLENT way of gauging how susceptible to simulation sickness someone is, and is also a good way of building up a resistance to it.

Start playing until you START to feel a little odd or uncomfortable and then STOP immediately by pressing the Oculus button on the right Touch controller.

Take a few minutes to relax and chill out, keeping your headset on.

Take your headset off and take a break, at least a couple of hours but preferably overnight.

Start the process again repeating the steps above. After a while you'll find yourself lasting longer before you start to feel it and will then last longer each time.

Don't rush it. Be patient.

And whatever you do DON'T try and power through it. If you do that and you do that enough your brain will start to associate wearing the headset with illness and you'll start to feel ill just by putting the thing on.

Some people take Dramamine and Ginger which helps but imo you're better off fixing the problem at the source rather than taking something to settle your stomach.

spencer_uk Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:56

thanks for the tips. Bought lucky's tale and I'll see how I get on. Tried NMS for a bit last night but that was a bit ballsy and had to duck out after a few minutes. But woooaah! it was great.

So, other than Skyrim - what else? Is fallout 4 any good (more up my alley - however didn't see it as oculus compatible on steam).

Here's what I was thinking:
beat saber
lone echo
robo recall
karanage (? seems to be getting some love on the oculus store and is on sale!)

I will build up slowly before I buy these (although probably take advantage of cheap deals as they come up)_

thanks in advance

huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:56

That's a good selection. Fallout four is a bit janky. Skyrim runs well and has a few VR options to help you find your feet. Try changing the direction flow from Hand to HMD to see what works for you. It also has full turning options (snap and smooth etc) as well as vignette options.

Jeff777LUFC Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:57

Sounds like my experiences whilst umm, using my vr headset

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:57

I would definitely leave Windlands alone until you’ve built up some resilience. It really can be quite vomit inducing.Also noticed you have Beat Sabre in your sights.Whilst It is a truly superb game, it can be a bit bothersome with trailing cables. It’s one of those games that really gets you moving.On the plus side, it is one of the better games for not really causing sickness.Apart from the blocks, nothing’s moving so you feel totally grounded.

Have you considered Elite Dangerous? Probably the single most exciting game in VR.Truly epic!I’ve had VR a few years now, and still feel that it’s the very pinnacle.

Anyhow, congratulations on your purchase, and welcome to the fold 

spencer_uk Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:57

thanks!! yup - played a fair bit of ED in the early days so will think about jumping back in. I guess it has changed a massive amount so should be a great new experience. Downloading it as I type!

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:57

Nothing can prepare you for the sheer scale of things in ED vr.It bears almost no resemblance to it’s flat-screen counterpart.You’re about to enter vr heaven

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:57

Yup, I don't think I'm ever going to forget the first time I saw the inside of a Coriolis space station and the first time I jumped out of hyperspace. Literally jaw dropping moments. Elite Dangerous is still the best VR game available right now for my money. Both playing flat and in VR I must have put over 1200 hours into the game so far and won't be stopping anytime soon.
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