Aside from what's already been mentioned, Lone Echo is very good.
Eagle Flight is another.
As a VR experience, you could also try Cyber Space. I recommend sitting down on your first go, however, because otherwise, you'll probably fall over... I LOVE The Climb, but I can only play it in small doses cos I'm not good with heights and my legs start wobbling after a while lol :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 Don't forget Moss
And one to grow your VR legs.... Edge of nowhere Both Edge of Nowhere and Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice are fantastic games. You wouldn't have thought that VR games would work too well in third person but they work REALLY well. I still think TheBlu is one of the most draw dropping VR experiences. Not really a game but well worth the price of admission.
Job Simulator and Vacation Simulator are great starting points too, especially for little ones. Think you also get The Lab for free via Steam VR which is well worth exploring.
Gorn is excellent. And if you like some mindless VR violence check out Drunkn Bar Fight. Thanks all. Will give them all a spin i just spun up Google Earth VR - to say it blew my mind was an understatement.
Don't get me wrong, I knew it existed and what it was... but it really did just "change the game" for me. From seeing my house, through to wandering the streets of London and then onto all the different places I have visited....
oh my word. Start with the box standard VR games.
Superhot, Robo Recall, Beat Saber are IMO the holy trinity. Then you can delve into what you do or don't like. thanks - will do. Interested for sure in those three. On superhot - I played it in "flat" and liked it