huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:20

Like I posted above it runs perfectly well on a 1080ti, also tested it on my laptop and it runs well on that (120% SS)

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:21

Looks pretty amazing on my CV1. I can only imagine it would be better on a higher resolution device. As tracking controllers is not an issue for this iexpect Odyssey or reverb would be amazing with it (as well as index and pimax of course)

huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:21

You can use the touch controllers, I`ve been playing it standing with my arms hanging in a relaxed position.

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:22

I know. But it doesn't do controller tracking it is in pad mode, so the inferior tracking of windows MR is not a problem for it

huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:23

Yikes had a play on this with an Index this evening. God ray hell! Avoid.

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:24

Really? The rift CV1 has bad god rays but don't rember it being an issue for this game

huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:25

Was the Rift god ray thing a constant or just with the first batch?
Ive played some Elite on the index and that was very good, had some minor glare issues but overall acceptable. Hellblade does have some extreme contrast sections. I played through the sections for the sword in the tree. The dungeon with the torches was hard work, needed shades 

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:26

And the Rift S too!

I've been thinking about replaying it on my Rift S as it goes. Not a great deal of difference in resolution between the Rift S and the Vive Pro and Valve Index, and you also have the added advantage of being able to super sample more without a drop in performance too. Plus ASW 2.0 of course!

huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:27

Finished this last night. I`d already played the pancake version but this was a like a new experience all over again. the combat with multiple foes was much more fun and tactical in VR.
Recommended in my book. Don't be put off by the third person view, the combat and puzzles would not work very well in a first person view.

Presuming Ed Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:27

"Holy cow hell blade" sounds like a very interesting concept for a game.

I'm in!
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