FallOut 4 VR problem
HiI just started this - well got as far as overseer terminal in the vault and the damn thing crashed -
however i have been told it is possible to play with native oculus rift support and not go through the steam vr wrapper.
Has anyone tried this?ii tried -Oculus run command but no joy
thanks mmm strange I used to play it on my Rift via SteamVR and didn't have any problems. I cant test it at the moment as I did a fresh windows install for my Index. Just use Open Composite, it'll give you a nice performance boost too.
You also might want to enable mods and add the Unofficial patch too, it fixes loads of bugs. Thanks for the reply. Some people are saying it supports the rift natively that is ultimately my goal. I will be putting some mods on when I get the chance I`ve been saving this game to play on my Index. Played a couple of hours on my Rift previously.
It doesn't run as smoothly as Skyrim on either platform.
Is there a quick and easy mod install to spritz it up a bit without the need to install a mod manager? I installed the vortex mod manager last night and downloaded a bunch of the DLC and performance improvement mods.I have not touched eye candy mods yet as i want to get a feel for the game as is then i can see the difference any mods make.
not had chance to try it as did not finish installing till 11:40 but it was painless to do. I do wish i could work out how the hell people are getting it to work without forcing steamVR however. Use Open Composite. I'll give you a link in a bit, am on my phone at the mo. Here you go:
README.md · master · Campbell Suter (ZNix) / OpenOVR · GitLab
Click on the Download OpenComposite Launcher link and it'll download a rar file. Unzip it (it automatically unzips into a folder called OpenComposite) then double click on the OpenComposite application to launch it. If an update is available it'll auto-update. You'll see two buttons Switch to OpenComposite and Switch to SteamVR, click on the Switch to OpenComposite button and when you go to your Steam library and press play for any of your VR games it'll bypass SteamVR. To swich back just launch OpenComposite again and press the other button.
I think there are a couple of Skyrim mods that are incompatible with OpenComposite but otherwise you should be able to launch and play games without a problem, and with a performance increase too. Goodness me FalloutVR runs like crap on the Index. With SS at 100% it’s maxing out my 1080ti. It’s a stuttering mess even at 90hz. By means of comparison I’m running Skyrim at 140% SS @ 120hz and it’s butter smooth.
Any tips? buy a rift?  Sorrythat was no help at all..... SkyrimVR tho is a PS4 title and I think they worked really hard optimising it to get it to run on the console, as such it runs on a relative potato.
This may help however.......
Fallout4 isnt the best performing game even on a monitor.on nexus mods there are a bunch of mods which improve performance.....its mostly about the DLC but i believe the mods improve performance in all areas of the game.
Fallout 4 VR Optimization Project