ChuckMountain Publish time 2-12-2019 04:42:35

That big jellyfish one would be around 336GB if it was a 2 hour film.

I would imagine that most rips would be well under 100GB but correct me if I am wrong.100GB be the upper limit and a bit rate of 128Mbps

Pecker Publish time 2-12-2019 04:42:36

If only 'properly' hardwiring a house were easier.

saguk1234 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:42:37

The 4k rip files are huge because they are uncompressed. I use mkvtoolnix to strip out all but one of the audio tracks which reduces the file size slightly. The average size of a stripped 4k file is about 50gb. I bought myself a zidoo x10 because I couldn’t help myself. Hardwiring would be best but expensive.

ChuckMountain Publish time 2-12-2019 04:42:38

No the 4K rip files are still compressed just not as much and use more efficient codecs

Uncompressed HDMI carries up to 18Gbps at full fat 4k.So very roughly at 400Mbps they have a 45:1 compression rate.

At the top end of UHD 128Mbps its nearer a 140:1 compression rate, if it produces an 18Gbps output.

quattr0 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:42:38

Well, after 4 sets of Netgear and TPL then hard wiring option will be cheaper LoL

FWIW, the TPL9020 or whatever the model # is better than Netgear. I receive green light once plugged in vs. the negear the network quality light is orange then change to red due to noise.

OP, have you tried to move the plugs to different outlets? I have tried that with TPL and received better speed.

saguk1234 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:42:40

I can’t move to different outlets. And my new zidoo x10 is here. I will try the 4k movies with that.

ChuckMountain Publish time 2-12-2019 04:42:41

Will it play the 400Mbps file though (even locally) would be interest to know 

saguk1234 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:42:42

Well the x10 has the same problems as the vten but it has a smoother stutter. I will do some testing to see what the problem is.

saguk1234 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:42:42

So I have now tested the vten upstairs next to the modem/switch and bypassing the powerline and 4k works smoothly and even the fast forward and reverse is working perfectly. Annoying!!

saguk1234 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:42:43

Update on this:

I got a Asus AC-AC87. It’s only a little faster than the TP Link PA9020P but that little extra speed is enough to play the 4K film that I was having problems with. It is also playing the jellyfish 120mbps hevc demo file ok. Everything is good for now!
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