Thanks again buddy, appreacie the pointers
Just wanted to add that I currently have a CAMELEON viewing card so I would probably need to obtain and pair this with DVB Link software on my PC....
Scratching my head here to be honest not sure how to approach it....
I was looking around and found Unicam Evo Deltacrypt CI Module Rev 4.0 and was going to get one of those for the PC.... Octopus CI S2 Pro Advanced.
I have spoken to NCand they only provide the CI Module Card for new customers just typical! Unless I ditch them at the end of my contract and take it from there... or buy the pay as you go subscription. Just spoke again to NCthey confirmed my viewing card will not work with 4K channels as @1080 jawbreaker mentioned above, I can get my card swapped out but it needs to be sent back to Poland. I will then have to obtain the CImodule and the Digital Devices Tuner card. with the caymen card you will loose the ability to use it with a softcam, bang goes your SD/HD recording freedom @1080 jawbreaker
I will not need the softcam then as I will be using the CIModule builtin into the DVB-S2 card, will I not be able to record anything via the Caymen card? Can you please elaborate? the recording capability is set by the provider. When I record UHD footy it remains encrypted and after a certain time has elapsed the recording expires and no longer plays. @1080 jawbreaker
I have spent the whole evening reading forums on this you are correct in saying what you wrote above back in the day Sky I believe already paired their sat receiver with their cards which meant you had to encode the softcam for it to work, a good friend of mine did it on his Dreambox 500S back in the day and it worked with DVB Link software too. Looks like NCare heading the same path. yup, until the pairing is hacked your stuck using the cicam.