arthurd123 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:54:55


Hello everyone,

I have done a bit of research on this but for the life I can't find a compatibility list of 4K/UHD DVB-S2 cards on the internet.

A bit of a newbie on the 4K/UHD stuff. Can anyone recommend anything compatible?

I currently own a dual DVB-S2 Digital Devices Cine 2 V5.5 card but she's getting on a bit now and tried to watch 4K/UHD and it didn't work for me. Not sure if it's a card issue?

PC has just been upgraded so it's not that for sure.

Hope someone can help me out here.

Many thanks!

EndlessWaves Publish time 2-12-2019 03:54:56

What issue did you have when you tried?

Just upgraded isn't a guarantee, some of the hardware currently available new doesn't support 4K playback or output.

arthurd123 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:54:57

Thanks for your prompt response 4K content plays fine on the 4K demo channel,the other channels don't seem to be playing ball.

Stiggy Publish time 2-12-2019 03:54:57

What other channels?

It's less likely to be the DVB-S2 card than the software you are using for playback or your graphics card. What are you using for those?

arthurd123 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:54:57

I have a Polish Sat package with NCso Canal4k and TVP 4k

Graphics Card:GTX 660
Software: DVBLink (using VLC to test channels)

Bigfingers Publish time 2-12-2019 03:54:57

AFAIK NC4K channels will not clear without the correct CAM module.

@1080 jawbreaker will tell you 100% as I think he has the sub.

1080 jawbreaker Publish time 2-12-2019 03:54:58

yeah it works using the nccicam only as the card is hardware paired so you need cicompatible tv/receiver to view the 4k polish stuff  sux as recordings remain encrypted and expire after a set time.

arthurd123 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:54:58

I use a Dreambox 500S as my card reader this is linked to the DVBLink software, SD/HD channels work fine.

1080 jawbreaker Publish time 2-12-2019 03:54:58

yeah softcam is fine for sd/hd but ciis required for the ultrahd channel

arthurd123 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:54:58

Thanks for heads up on this do you know which one I should get to work with the NCSat Package I should be able to obtain a pcie card slot for it as well....
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