Hello everyone,I have done a bit of research on this but for the life I can't find a compatibility list of 4K/UHD DVB-S2 cards on the internet.
A bit of a newbie on the 4K/UHD stuff. Can anyone recommend anything compatible?
I currently own a dual DVB-S2 Digital Devices Cine 2 V5.5 card but she's getting on a bit now and tried to watch 4K/UHD and it didn't work for me. Not sure if it's a card issue?
PC has just been upgraded so it's not that for sure.
Hope someone can help me out here.
Many thanks! What issue did you have when you tried?
Just upgraded isn't a guarantee, some of the hardware currently available new doesn't support 4K playback or output. Thanks for your prompt response 4K content plays fine on the 4K demo channel,the other channels don't seem to be playing ball. What other channels?
It's less likely to be the DVB-S2 card than the software you are using for playback or your graphics card. What are you using for those? I have a Polish Sat package with NCso Canal4k and TVP 4k
Graphics Card:GTX 660
Software: DVBLink (using VLC to test channels) AFAIK NC4K channels will not clear without the correct CAM module.
@1080 jawbreaker will tell you 100% as I think he has the sub. yeah it works using the nccicam only as the card is hardware paired so you need cicompatible tv/receiver to view the 4k polish stuff  sux as recordings remain encrypted and expire after a set time. I use a Dreambox 500S as my card reader this is linked to the DVBLink software, SD/HD channels work fine. yeah softcam is fine for sd/hd but ciis required for the ultrahd channel Thanks for heads up on this do you know which one I should get to work with the NCSat Package I should be able to obtain a pcie card slot for it as well....