CPU Upgrade path: Worth going for 4790k or go Ryzen 2600?
Having got myself a new strix gtx1080-ag for a silly price iv gotten back into PC gaming.My current intel machine revolves around the Z97 chipset which i built back in 2014 with a view to upgrading in that socket era going to the 4690k etc but that never happened and i never ended up gaming on the PC.
But now, with the 1080 im playing games such as AC Odyssey which my i3 is just managing to hang on in the low 30 fps (2560x1080) at very high settings. Iv been toying with going straight up to an i7 4790k but those are selling for ~£200 which seems alot to spend to keep the machine nearer current levels with no possibility of future cpu upgrade.
My current machine is doing fine, but id rather not leave it too late whilst i still have some relative value in the parts i have. And im not looking to chase frame rates, just a respectable machine that will game well with some future potential.
I was initially put off by the newer chipset/ CPU route but Im now thinking of going the Ryzen 5 2600 route to make my money more worth while.
My Current system:
Mobo: Asrock Extreme6 z97cpu: i3 4150 with Zalman CNPS8900 Quiet HeatsinkRAM: 16gb crucial ballistix tactical (8-8-8-24). 8Gb of crucial Ballistix Sport XT recently removed so has resale value.gpu: asus strix gtx1080-agstorage: SSD's and HDDSPSU: Seasonic X750 750W 80Gold Certified Full Modular Power SupplyConsidering:
Mobo: Asus - ROG STRIX B450-F GAMINGcpu: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core ProcessorRAM: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory
Whats your thoughts going this route?
Do you reckon i could sell items 1-3 from my current system for around £250? PCPartPicker tallies the new parts at £378. All in all it seems i could be spending considerably less than hanging on to the LGA1150 with a 4790k.
Bit of a hassle doing a strip down but i do love PC builds... Selling used systems/parts doesn't bring much that they're not worth selling. If you don't mind losing a bit then go for it. I have an i5-3570 system that works well but sells for nothing so I'd just keep it for backup or use it as a Linux box. I also have an i3-2105 CPU I upgraded it from and that's worth nothing.
I'm running a Ryzen 5 2600 with 12 gig mems and it runs good. I just have a strange random freezes I haven't figure out yet. May be the motherboard though. anyone else? is a ryzen 2600 the best way to go in lieu of the 4790k (which i have just seen one pop up in the classifiieds so let me know quick!)? IMO, Intel is better than AMD.  in what way?
what would you recommend instead for similar price/ performance ratio? I'm not up to date with technology but in my experience Intel CPUs had been rock solid while AMD CPU had some problems like running hot and compatibility issues.
I'm running the Ryzen 5 2600 on Gigabyte with 370x chipset and Ballistix Sports mem. It runs great and doesn't get hot but it has a random freezes I can't figure out. I replaced my Ryzen 3 2200G because it ran too hot while ripping DVDs.
I still have my i5-3570 PC. It took everything above in stride and never broke a sweat. I wanted to try the Ryzen CPUs but I'm going back to Intel for my next build. Going to stick with the Z97 chipset for a while. Purchased a 4790k. Hi.
Well yeah it is a good upgrade I have few Systems. The 7700k/EVGA
and just got the 2600x/MSI X470 yeah they run good.
The 4790k is still a good cpu though. Are you getting it used? Amazon wants over $500 for it. Seems that the past CPUs carry a premium. i bought it off this very forum. £170