It is a good upgrade...nothing slows that thing down at all. And pretty good Frames. Cool beans.  i was considering the 2600 non x version and looking at the reviews it gives the same performance in games. the 4790k is still high in demand so should hopefully carry some resale value further down the line.
what is the upgrade path currently on the AM4 platform from a 2600? They plan on launching New Cpu's...Assuming it as well is Compatible with the X470 chipset and probably is. I have just gone from a i5 4670k to Ryzen 2600.
I sold my Z97 motherboard, i5 4670K and 16GB DDR3 on here for £165, so you will likely get less due to CPU.
The question is, do you want to spend £170 on a used CPU, or spend £300 on new parts.
The new parts will give you new features, such as USB 3.1 and M2 sata ports. My Ryzen build loads Battlefield V from an SSD much quicker than the i5 setup. Same SSD, just newer technology. Just upgrading the CPU etc has allowed me to run Battlefield V at Ultra instead of Medium at 1080p @ 75Hz.
Not to mention photoshop and 3d CAD are much quicker.
Personally, I went for the new Ryzen build. It will be quicker than the i7 anyhow, will have warranty, and paired with your GTX 1080, should last a long time at 1080p (and possibly 1440p)
Load of rubbish I have Both. And My Take no, the 2600x has less Frames than my 7700k...but it's not a huge gap at all...