Good medium priced web cam for PC use.
I have a cheap & cheerful web cam & can use my action camera. But as I'm back into vlogging I though I might get something better with decent sound quality, preferably under £50. Anyone any suggestions There are so many on the market but the Logitech range seems to be the most prolific.I use the "Lychee 1080P HD Webcam USB Web Camera with Built-In Microphone Compatible with Windows XP / 7/8 / 10" from Amazon and find that rather good for animation. I've had Logitech equipment (speakers headset) for a number of years now & always found them good budget priced items. In fact I've just replaced the sponge pads on my Logitech headset as the originals had rotted away, cost £1.25 from Ebay. I've researched their webcams & got very mixed feedback, particularly compatability with W10, hence the question. I would prefer to hear from someone who actually uses & is happy with a stand alone alternative. If you are using the Lychee, why are you suggesting Logitech? the Lychee is much cheaper. Logitech has the bigger range. The Lychee has manual focus, is HD and is fairly robust.
I use it for animation with Corel VideoStudio's Stop Motion option. It is quite satisfying, on cold winter evenings, building a diorama with the Grandchildren's rejected toys and creating a story out of all the bits. My cheap & cheerful Tecknet web cam has manual focus which IMO is a bonus as it's something you can adjust & not automatic that can go wrong. What about the sound on the Lychee? the Tecknet sounds like I'm speaking into a tin can & there's no adjustment, other than on the W10 camera app. The one I think you have is £20, this one is £24.99 with auto focus. The second one looks the business but will wait to see what you say about the sound. webcam&qid=1563268019&s=gateway&sr=8-4 As I said, I use the cam for animation. The audio is dubbed in post production. So, what's the camera audio like? If it's rubbish let me know. Terfyn
You've suddenly gone quiet? Is the Lychee not as good as claimed?
As you haven't replied to my query, I've gone ahead & ordered a replacement from Amazon. The latest video I put on YouTube with the rubbish web cam audio finally pushed me. Hopefully it will be an improvement on the Tecknet. On the contrary, I use the webcam for stop motion and dub the sound on later. So I use a stand alone mic for voiceovers. It follows that I do not use the Lychee mic so cannot comment on its;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
The cam you picked has a good spec so I hope it performs well for you. Webcams like action cams are "ten a penny" so it is good luck to pick the best from the;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
I watched your YT video on Adobe and take your point about the webcam mic. Both the sound and the video are fuzzy especially when compared to the voiceover which follows. I hope the new webcam sorts this out for you.