The new webcam arrived this morning from Amazon// The name Spedal was on the box with a stick on label, nothing on the add about spedal?
Opened the box & extracted the contents, looks ok, good length USB lead, massive user manual with microscopic print. Couldn't find a web site for spedal.
Plugged in the WC, W10 recognised it within seconds, opened the W10 camera app, picture opened. Quality quite good apart from the ability to focus on the centre of the image, so light & dark very prominent. Recorded a short clip & checked it. Sound very low. Twiddled the W10 settings & the app settings, got the volume controls to max'. Recorded a second clip with the new settings, still lowish. Swivelled the monitor to give a better throw of ambient light, recorded a third clip, picture better, sound still to low. Opened the three clips in audacity, enhance the middle clip to maximum without clipping. Volume louder but the interference terrible. Packed it back up & made out an Amazon;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Back on Amazons web site, ordered the Logitech C310, an extra £10, but what the heck. Please keep us updated on the Logitec. Hope it is better. Amazon delivered the new webcam around noon today. After tests, conclusion, well worth the extra tenner. The box however was the most complicated box I've seen in a long time.
The Logitech is much smaller than the Spedal? & the finish much better. Would have liked to see a lens cap, but there wasn't one. The Usb lead was 1.5m long so reaches my PC sockets easily. Plugged it in & got an immediate W10 message the software was being loaded. Opened the W10 camera app & the picture appeared immediately, in focus with much less harsh contrast than the Spedal. Went through the controls on the app which had a brightness slider unlike the Spedal. Recorded some stills & a video clip, much better results. Turned the monitor so I faced the light & the picture was too bright, a touch on the slider corrected it. Took the vid' clip into Audacity, the waveform was more pronounced. Used the basic amplify & that produced clipping. So the sound level is a ton higher & clearer than the Spedal. So for an extra tenner, I'm well pleased. Pics below tell the story. Everything looks so much better. A very satisfying result.