Eric Matyas
Publish time 2-12-2019 01:54:03
Thanks, I appreciate it. I haven't been on here that long, but hopefully over time more people will discover my music and find use for it. Please feel free to spread the;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Eric Matyas
Publish time 2-12-2019 01:54:03
Hi everyone,
I've created a bunch of new tracks and uploaded them onto the following pages:
I hope they are useful. As always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Sound Image
Publish time 2-12-2019 01:54:03
I agree, this is a wonderful resource esp. as we can communicate with the Author via this Thread, etc.
Eric, I've created a folder: EricMatyas / Byline and in wordpad this reads Royalty-free music \ xxxxxxxx \ by Eric Matyas \
( where \ represent new-line )....the idea being I shall be ever-prompted to include the right by-line as copy-paste and xxxxxx will shout it needs the actual title(s).
BTW I've been looking through = Urban & History
......and wonder if this might be a useful territory: "Revolution" ?
. . . . currently I'm working on the French Revolution, specifically need to be careful the instruments are of that date. Normally I can't abide a drum-track (oops), but this could have Two! (as I hear it?):One representing the cart on the cobbles ( although some streets were paved with wood-block until carts became too heavy ) and the drum-roll used to herald the rising of the terror instrument's blade.
Then the chattering-crowd ( which I can supply!) is hushed - as the blade makes its long descent ( and again I'm able to supply that SFX ).
I am still having difficulty making the wheel-sound of an old farm-cart that would have been pressed into use, one having sides to prevent the occupants escaping.
Quite unbelievable this happened not so far from these shores, eh?
..........Far be it to suggest but I'm expecting Whistle, Tambourine, Fife and Drum - but go easy on the drums ....
Indeed I wonder if separated sounds would be easier for me? This might give your audio an edge and we punters can then mix the Music / Tracks as dictated by the visuals, etc.
However, some music of that era a-la-troubadors would be a mighty good start, if you don't mind me adding drum-rolls, etc.
I'm guessing that you are more sympathetic to real Music, being in yr soul,- without perhaps thinking that sounds are themselves part of the overall audio experience.
So sorry if this long scrawl offends your musical sensibilities. H.
Eric Matyas
Publish time 2-12-2019 01:54:04
No problem...I'm actually very into sound design, so separated sounds don't bother me. Feel free to email me with details about your project.
Publish time 2-12-2019 01:54:04
This week, prob. ...willdo, and thanks.
Eric Matyas
Publish time 2-12-2019 01:54:04
Hi everyone,
New tracks await you on the following pages:
I hope they are useful. As always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Sound Image
True Romance
Publish time 2-12-2019 01:54:04
Cool, nice one Eric . Sadly I've already edited my holiday video or would have used one of your tracks. Anyway bookmarked now for future use. Thanks.
*edit* any chance of some short intro/fanfare tracks?
Eric Matyas
Publish time 2-12-2019 01:54:04
How short and what style(s) are you looking for?
Thanks for checking out my site,
True Romance
Publish time 2-12-2019 01:54:05
Just to cover an intro like you get at the beginning of most films (Fox, lionsgate, etc) so around 10 seconds or less. Really struggled to find anything when making my intro video.
You can see my intro below to get some idea.
Publish time 2-12-2019 01:54:05
 very pretty bit of film BUT (and this is where I lose my friends - if any) it was a 4.34 minute picture postcard that went nowhere.
Yes the photography of the hotel, flowers, beach and lizard were excellent but the music was repetitive and the live audio intrusive. There was no focus and no story. That's the bad bit over with.
I like Eric's music but I have wished that it was in longer pieces to cover a series of shots. (I have suggested this to him) The "quickfit" music system used by the video editor is supplied in much longer phrases so that repetition is less noticeable. I either make my own music or rip a track from a suitable CD.
The focus of the film was missing, a partner or friend enjoying the hotel, beach and grounds would have created this. A meal or drinks would have added the human touch.
I apologise for being so negative. I could not care less about the mechanics of the process as long as it delivers good video and audio. So the "my camera is better than your camera" argument that predominates these pages is, to me, totally irrelevant if the video this wonderful kit produces has no point. You just need to look at the old B&W Ealing Studio productions to see what I am getting at, the picture and sound are rubbish but it does not matter because the story carries the audience with it.
Give me a good story, well edited with a start, middle and end, this to me is the goal. I am fortunate that I have two grandchildren who provide the human interest and can be used as cutaway shots to split the continuous scenery. (or whatever) They provide the action and give a storyline to the piece I am filming. I also make local documentaries which I research to create a script before;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Am now fitting on Tin Hat and waiting for the flak to burst over;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Your piece, cut to 45 seconds, would make a good intro to any holiday film.