mastermax Publish time 1-12-2019 22:35:28

does anyone know the weight of the Technosonic 32" LCD3201

Markee Publish time 1-12-2019 22:35:28

Just joining this forum, hope you don't mind.
Recieved my Silver32" Technosonic (and am using my Thomson 32" CRT remote, no visible difference, bar the sticker!) from WW yesterday. Seems OK so far apart from Blocky/Fuzzy footballers when using my Nokia Freeview box, any sugestions gratefully recieved. Also Liverpool are losing 3:1 at the moment, if this continues to happen will it constitute grounds for a refund?


marty2005 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:35:29

get the new grey version off ebay

triplea4uk Publish time 1-12-2019 22:35:29

has anyone had any problems with the pixeling on their tv. Even from 2 metres away the pixels are visible. This means if have to move right back, but then the screen doesn't have the same cimematic effect when i'm so far back!

Has anyone experienced the same problem?

SatDude Publish time 1-12-2019 22:35:30

I've received my second Technosonic TV yesterday and it has the same problem that my first one had, actually this time is even worse, the problem is backlight bleed on the top right corner of the screen, well it has a bit on the bottom but the worse is actually on the top, does anyone else have this? A lighter patch on the top right of your screen? Is it visible when watching darker images? On my first TV most of it disappeared within a couple of days, or maybe I just got used to it and stopped noticing… 

Mr_Mojo_Risin Publish time 1-12-2019 22:35:31

Can't give an exact weight, but I was able to push it into the rear footwell of the car and then carry it into the house by myself, and I'm a girl!

Mylo Publish time 1-12-2019 22:35:32

Techno & SkyHD

I’ve had my Techno (Black, Chinese) since earlier Nov , used in earnest since late Nov (was decorating the room in which it was to be sited), Quite pleased with it, it’s not fantastic, but I’m pleased.

It’s had the on site repair (bloody workman (not engineer) decided to change P.C.B. in situ and scratched the side-board on which the TV was positioned). I’ve had SkyHD since mid Dec, this was a D.I.Y. install but everything seems fine.

        Now for my question, I don’t really like watching “stretchy-vision” through the HD box and HDMI i.e. 4/3 format program stretched to 16/9, will not auto switch through HDMI, Having read through this forum I found out that some people have had success at displaying the correct aspect ratio by setting the HD box output to automatic as opposed to 720p or 1080i, but when I do this with the Techno I get a strange effect, on HD channels it’s fine, but when I then switch to any SD channel, whether this be a wide screen broadcast or a 4/3, I get what can only be described as 3 PIP screens of the channel I wish to watch along the top third of the screen and fuzzy snow on the rest of the screen. I was just wondering whether any body else was experiencing this or is it just my TV/HD box.

Mr_Mojo_Risin Publish time 1-12-2019 22:35:33

Got my letter of appology and £10 voucher from Woolworths today //

That and the one months free credit I got, thanks to them being too busy to take the money, means I am pretty damn happy with my purchase 

ocelot20 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:35:34


jonboy2008 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:35:34

i am thinking about getting one, does anyone have their xbox connected to this and how are they connecting it?
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