Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:35
Didn't work with my rev9 remote unfortunately 
I'll try gumtree to see if there are any rev10s about!
Thanks for your help
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:35
Hi do you still have this TV.. I recently picked one up and have strange problem where when to go from a completely blank screen to a picture the picture is dark and then slowly gets brighter does yours do this..
Also what firmware are you on
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:35
Yes, I do still have this TV. I haven't noticed any issues such as you have mentioned, but I don't use the microdimming features etc which may cause your issues? If not, then I'd recommend that you return it to sender
As for the firmware, it is on V8-S586T02-LF1V186
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:36
OK thanks will look into sending back as I don't use microdimming
My firmware is different V8-S586T02-LF1V340 I found a newer firmware v373 on site but tv can't find it over the air/Internet
Wonder if firmware issue. I also ready had to return a techwood set to AO so this a bit upsetting.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:36
Also do you gaming on your TV how you finding HDR
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:36
Strange, I looked for updates yesterday but it didn't find any.
I find the HDR to work well (I think, I don't have any other HDR devices to compare it against) but Assassin's Creed Origins looks really good from my Xbox One X
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:37
If you don't mind could you post your pictures settings for your xbox gaming. Thanks
I will give them a call and see what they say.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:37
I'm not at home at the moment, but I should be able to do it tomorrow. Just message me again to remind me 
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:37
OK thanks I called them they want me to try a factory reset first wasn't able to ask about firmware
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:38
Hi just sending a reminder for the setting cheers