Publish time 1-12-2019 22:23:35
I await with bated breath...
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:23:36
A couple of places doing the Q8DN at £1999 now (RGB and PRC), still not great but anyone think it’s worth a price match given that it’s potentially £400 cheaper than the cheapest Q9?
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:23:37
Seen the q9 at 200 differential
However, the point is that q8 is margibally better than xf9 which is on track to hit crazy prices at this rate
So I will say q9 will hit £1999 soon and q8 should not be more than £1650 considering where xf9 already is.
Again, I will add that I have seen French prices and promotion...up to 600 euros discount from Samsung !!!
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:23:38
You seem so sure lol. That’d be a perfect price but a little wishful thinking based on how stubborn retailers have been when I’ve approached them. Best price I’ve been offered on a Q9 is £2229 by one of the main retailers via email. Maybe when the 2019 model is nearer we could see it that low. Just because other countries are getting better offers I wouldn’t necessarily think we’ll get it too. Rip off Britain and all that, seen it all to often.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:23:39
I don’t listen to what they tell me as they control nothing. I know how it works and Samsung will do the same discounts like in Europe because Oled is hammering them...matter of time.
Plus you answered your own question, I will not buy a q8 Shen differential is £200...more like £600 minimum
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:23:41
I agree Oled is hammering them, but many places have sold out of Q9s too or running very low on stock. Clearly a lot of people are still buying at the current price. The quandary is, is it worth waiting until after Xmas to see if there is a drop or buy now at a slight saving. How much did last years Q9F come down between Q4 and Q1?
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:23:42 That’s now at the equivalent of John Lewis
That’s 1800 pounds roughly enough said
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:23:43
You must be right there, Samsung digging their heels in at their distaste to Brexit. That price is unbelievable, we can only dream of it. How much is next day delivery to U.K.? 
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:23:44
Well I’ve eventually bit the bullet and pulled the trigger on a 65” Q9, £2140 delivered with 5yr warranty etc. Which I think is a good price considering. Slightly excited. Delivery Thurs. I know there’s a chance if prices falling further down the line but I want it now. Lol.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:23:44
It may be obvious to many but worth mentioning that Sony xf90 prices are going down very fast
Jokes aside, I wonder how low this tv will get especially for 65...