Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:50
Grafik eye is the system they’re probably most known for.It’s a stand-alone system that you put in place of your switches . Comes in various zones , eg 2 ,3,4,5 and 6 . It stores all the preset light scenes that you can call up with a key pad or from the system.
It’s more lighting control than home automation like Ra-2 ( just my thoughts )
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:51
Got you, thanks for the explanation 
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:51
Anyone in the trade able to get sight of trade pricing for Lutron?
Trading Depot appear to be cheapest online but keen to see the differences?
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:52
Update: Dimmer fitted to my outdoor light circuit (x5 up/down lights) and working as expected.
Terribly easy to wire and set up; app is intuitive and did what I wanted it to do. I’ve set the lights on a schedule making use of the sunset/sunrise feature so I can now pretty much forget about them.
Can see more and more dimmers being added as I go along but a strong performing system for now.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:53
Where did you stick the dimmers unit ?
I’m setting mine up on Sunday - it’s been sitting there in its box for weeks . But decorators are cracking on so need to get it going. I may connect it up to a 3 pin plug and desk lamp to just get things going.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:54
Dimmer is under the 1st floor floorboards, accessible for now as that room is to be visited next year (in the middle of a whole home renovation) but will need to rethink location once floorboards are fixed down and carpet is in.
Setup was a breeze, it took me 10 mins to wire it in and then 5 mins to get the hub up and running. No wonder this is the go to retrofit, so simple.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:55
Beyond set up do you need access to the dimmer? My concern is there maybe places where I won’t be able to access it - so in the event of a power cut would I need to pair it again?
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:55
I don’t believe so. Both devices revert to the programmed state once power is switched back on. I’ve got my dimmer on a high level switch so will kill the power on that and the hub tomorrow and let you know.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:56
Thanks that would be great.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:58
Finally set mine up today.
First thoughts, Incredibly easy. I mean it couldn't get easier. Takes hub out, connect with RJ45 - (hub is tiny 7cm by 7cm ) log in and add devices.
The connect up in line dimmers and that's it. Besides the physical part of the job taking the switches off and lights off to hide dimmers in ceiling programming takes literally 2-3 minutes per room- and that is it.
Couples of pointers. Check your existing set up properly . My hallway had a separate live on each floor. So even though I made all the other switches redundant and removed them . I was unable to have one dimmer control all 3 floors.(unless i hid dimmer in the wall where the switch was which I wasn't going to do.
So I have had to buy two more dimmers- and they're not cheap at £99 each. I can easily see this adding up to thousands for most houses.
Secondly buy some wago connectors makes install a doddle rather than connection boxes etc.
Overall- great lighting system. A brilliant , brilliant app which makes set up and use, creating scenes etc really , really easy.
Criticism- it's hard to get hold off- sure enough everyone sells the starter kit and the most common pico 3 button switch but that's it- anymore of the other switches you really need to find them. Most retailers I spoke to do not know the difference between switches. Tech support with Lutron is superb, really is. I have emailed them enough to know this and they always reply.I haven't found anywhere that does the wall plate that can accommodate three switches.
May have set this up wrong so am waiting to hear back from tech support- but the Geo fencing is great, leave the house it creates a scene , coming back it creates another , very, very cool. However i assumed by me and the wife sharing a log in it would mean that we both have to leave the house for it to activate - it doesn't . I left the house and the wife was in and it automatically set it to away. I will play with the settings more , it could be because the wife's location sharing isn't set to always on.
It's more expensive than most of the competition. inline dimmers at £99, switches £30-50 each. It quickly adds up. But it has the excellent Lutron quality they're know for and it can do more than most at the moment too.
Integration isn't fully there. Eg works with Honeywell- great, only the Lyric thermostat - not so great and doesn't support Honeywell Evo which I have- this sucks as it would have been great for it to control my heating using the Geofencing.
My google home hub doesn't appear to support it too. It controls plug in sockets from amazon for £12 but not this great system-even though in the app it says its integrated. Maybe it needs some more fine tuning.
Overall very pleased and I will be adding this to extra rooms.